Sticking around for next year? | Society Membership Renewal

Wed 31 Aug Newsletter

Society memberships expire tomorrow. Time to renew!

🚨 Society Memberships are about to expire! 🚨

At 11:59pm on August 31st, society membership will roll over. If you want to stay informed about our events by receiving this wonderful newsletter, and support the society's growth, consider renewing your membership!

While the UoW Computing Society is free-to-join and supported by our sponsors, keep in mind that the Warwick SU will charge you a flat £23 fee before you can join any number of societies.

As an added incentive (because clicking a button is quite difficult), we'll be giving away 5 exclusive T-Shirts at random to anyone who joins the society before September 26th! That's the first day of Welcome Week, so no stinky freshers.

Looking Back

The society elections were quite something - our exec team doubled in size from 8 to 20 (!), with most roles now having 2-3 people. Hopefully, that means we can actually do stuff before the last minute!

Living up to our name

After trying revision sessions for modules in the back half of Term 2, this came into full swing when exams rolled around. We hosted sessions for a total of 8 modules, including Maths for CS I & II, Algorithms, Formal Languages, and even a joint session with EngSoc for Electronic Circuits! There were also some talks, both from the wider industry and our students - with a highlight being the 3rd Year Project Talks that had some really positive feedback. And don't forget our one-off events: a fun Scratch game jam with Warwick Game Design and a mini-programming challenge with some prizes!

A Chance to de-stress

We aren't just an academic soc though: with our weekly pub trips & Friday night gamings, and the mega BBQ (the panic when 50 people signed-up was beautiful 🍿). Plenty of other societies were included too: we collabed on a Eurovision watch-along with Tabletop, an Airsoft game with Airsoft soc, and a pub crawl with Minecraft Society and Warwick AI. Our end of term meal may have been scuppered by a certain thing rhyming with "landemic", but we still got a good lot out of the term!

WASD, our annual charity speedrunning event, happened this year in collaboration with Warwick Esports and the Esports Centre. Despite some technical difficulties, we had some amazing runs and an equally amazing total - raising £539.69 for SpecialEffect! Thanks to everyone who helped out, whether running, commentating, donating, or just hanging around.

Last but BEST (I'm not biased) was our glorious merch session. We haven't had one since 2019, so had quite the comeback. With 10 different products, all lovingly designed by me, I hope you all enjoyed your share of the almost 200 items that were ordered! Huge shout-out to the people wearing our programming socks in the Functional Programming exam, you know who you are...

Looking Forward

The academic side

If you're around from October, we've got some exciting stuff coming up! Firstly, we're starting to run courses - with the support of a grant from the Rust Foundation, we'll be running a Rust Course running on Thursdays, Weeks 2-5. You'll be making some cool projects along the way, starting with Tic-Tac-Toe, ramping things up with a Chip-8 Interpreter, and finally finishing it off with a 3D Raytracing project. Recommended only for those who are already familiar with at least one language! We'll also be heading up a cross-society Python course for beginners - with our sessions on Tuesday, Weeks 1 & 6. The other academic events will continue as normal; we've got Lightning Talks and some industry talks lined up, as well as a programming challenge in Week 6!

Being more sociable

Our weekly pub meals will continue, with an increased variety of destinations (not just on-campus). We're also planning to make things more varied at Friday Night Gaming from week to week! LANs will also have more going on, but will be reduced to 1 per term instead of 2 and timed when deadlines aren't rapidly approaching.

Behind the scenes

We're planning to improve our servers by the end of Term 1, to better host people's stuff! If you're a member and want to host a script or personal website of your own, you can request a shell account through our website, or contact a tech officer on Discord. A more lightweight website is also in the works, and when finished should allow for greater flexibility on what we show there. With our expanded publicity team, we've been expanding our presence to Instagram & LinkedIn, and hope to better inform everyone about events - whether you're on Discord or not.

And hey, for the first time in a while, we've managed to plan ahead - our Term 1 Schedule is mostly finalised with a month to go!

We look forward to seeing you all in the new term, and all the stinky freshers in welcome week!

Owen, and the rest of the 22/23 Exec team

👉 This is a big link to renew your membership 👈

Fancy keeping in touch with us?

🌍 Website | 👪 Discord | 📷 Instagram

Current student at the university? Consider becoming an official member of the society! It helps us out and means you get this lovely newsletter sent directly to your inbox at least once each week!