Minnits - 23rd February 2000

Wed 23 Feb Meeting Minutes

Compsoc Exec Minnits

23rd February 2000



1: Allnighter

Chris Smith has confirmed that this is from 9pm to 9am. It was also suggested that some posters be produced to try and whet both member and non-member interest in the event. Where we will get the T-shirts printed has not been decided, though it was decided that we ask LaserLizard for prices.

2: Locker / Pidgeon hole

All the lockers have been allocated for this year, but we now have a pidgeon hole in DCS common room. Mike said that people can leave things in his office, but that access was restriced to office hours only. Baz suggested that he could keep the gaming CD’s in his locker. It was said that we /must/ remember to get one next year, and Mike said that he could set that up sometime in the summer.


No contact has been made yet, but it was recognised that any transport to and from KPMG could be met by the society.

4: Finance

Ryan has not yet enquired about buying game licences with the publications budget, but said that he will. It was noted that with the PCF subscription, there wasn’t much left for this year. It was also noted that we have not yet received a budget form for next year.

5: Elections

It was noted that there were currently no contested places. It was suggested that even if we didn’t have a vote, that we would still hold an AGM. It was decided that the position of Social Secretary should be added to the exec.

6: Paintball

This is being organised with PaintballSoc. It costs £12 deposit (£5 trans. £7 gear), which needs to be given as a cheque payable to UWSU by 3rd March, leaving the cheque on their noticeboard. An email also needs to be sent to paintballsoc@yahoo.com. It is to take place on 11th March (week 9). Mike has said that he can drive if this is needed.

7: Laserquest

Kuru has asked if the society is interest in a tournament verses FilmSoc. The exec agreed this would be fun, and asked Kuru to send an email with more details.

8: Members-only events

It was noted that some non-Compsoc members were attending the CSV gaming sessions. It was suggested that we could ask for membership cards, or charge a fee to non-members. This was also suggested throughout all Compsoc events that have been members-only.

9: Newsletter

Chris Smith to mail the members about the 2 exec positions not mentioned in the previous newsletter (Tech. Consultant and Social Sec), Paintball, LaserQuest, the Open-Source programming project. It was suggested that people submit a 300-500 word proposal on what they would like to do.

10: CSV Gaming

Baz to mail Dave about an increased quota on the gaming account.

The next meeting is set for WED 2pm, meeting at the Fyshbowl.