Minnits - 16th February 2000

Wed 16 Feb Meeting Minutes

Compsoc Exec Minnits

16th February 2000


Mike apologised for missing the last few meetings.



Mike to mail for more info.

2: ITS Gaming

These sessions have been extended until the end of term, though it is up to our discretion to cancel the events if demand on the machines is high for work. This Friday’s event is cancelled due to a lack of exec members able to co-ordinate the session. Chris Smith to mail ITS to tell them it is cancelled.

3: LAN Party

This Sunday’s LAN Party was cancelled, and the exec felt that these could now be slowed down now ITS gaming takes place.

4: Publications Budget

There was a lot of discussion as to what could be done with this money. Ryan is to ask if it is possible to purchase software licences with it, but for now it was decided to subscribe to PC Format. The hope is to hire a locker to keep back issues in, and keep the current issue a society pidgeon hole (in DCS). Stickers need to be made to fix to the magazines to show they are the property of Compsoc. Mike to investigate getting a locker and pidgeon hole.
It was also suggested that the society could host a page on their website for second hand CS books.

5: Exec Elections

The email has been sent out. Need to book a room soon for the elections and publish the election policy (i.e. having a non-Compsoc person chair the meeting).

6: Allnighter

The T-Shirt has been designed by Chris Smith, but probably need to be printed externally as we want colour on a black shirt.

7: Purchases

The exec agreed for the following purchases to be made:

8: Nintendo Soc

The exec have no objections to this going ahead.

9: Software Project

It was suggested that Compsoc could organise a group Open Source software project for it’s members to get involved in. It was seen as a long term project, but something that might be useful and fun to do. Suggestions are to be solicited in the next newsletter.

The next meeting is set for WED 2pm, meeting at the Fyshbowl.