Minnits - 9th February 2000

Wed 09 Feb Meeting Minutes

Compsoc Exec Minnits

9th February 2000



1: ITS Gaming

Chris Smith to mail ITS (CSV) about a possible extension to our Frinay night gaming sessions. A questionnaire was also suggested that people attending the session could fill out regarding the day/timing of the sessions and other thoughts.

2: Magazine budget allowance

It was decided that as this money had been allocated, we should spend it on a magazine subscription, and the magazine chosen was PC FORMAT. Ryan to get the money from the SU, once Chris Salmon has found out the cost.

3: Allnighter LAN Party

This has been booked, but the society received a confimation which showed the event ending at midnight after the 9pm start. The time which was applied for was 9pm - 9am, and Chris Smith is to verify this with Senate House. It was also suggested that people might like to buy Compsoc ‘Allnighter’ T-Shirts, or have T-Shirts as competition/challenge prizes.

4: Other Socials

Many were suggested: Paintball, Ice Skating, Bowling. Chris Salmon to investigate the possibility of holding a paintball session near the end of term.

5: Exec Elections

It was decided that we should open nominations for the Compsoc Exec positions next year. This means there will be plenty of time for people to organise themselves and submit their nominations. Chris Smith to mail members.

6: SU Postbox

We received a note from the SU saying that we had failed to send one exec member to each of the Using your Union, Managing your Money and EquiOpps training courses. The exec felt that they had attempted, but that the SU cancelled all the sessions, and they would keep trying.
h5. Also, the Risk Assessment form for the society needs to be filled in.

The next meeting is set for WED 2pm, meeting at the Fyshbowl.