Minnits - 8th November 1999

Mon 08 Nov 1999 Meeting Minutes

Compsoc Exec Minnits

8th November 1999



1: GoldenEye Tournament

The random draws for the tournament have been put up on the society noticeboard, and email notification sent out. There are about 7 groups, i.e. about 28 people entering the tournament. A desk is to be set up at the door to collect money and check off the people as they arrive. The start is at 8:00pm. The amuzing awards have been printed (e.g. Robinson Crusoe award for being lost goes to….) and umpires are to keep their eyes open for possible candidates. The umpires are also to check that the players sit in the correct seat, corresponding to their position on the group list. The main prize has had to be changed to a certificate, a 2.99ukp McDonalds Voucher, 10ukp and a bar of chocolate. The runner-up will receive a bar of chocolate. Andy forwarded that he thought the final should only involve pistols, and this was passed by a 3-1 majority. (Andy would also like it minuted that he used Jedi Persuation to achieve Barry’s vote. It was decided that the profits would NOT be put into the society account, due to difficulty in taking money out, but the amount recorded.

2: LAN party

It was agreed that someone needed to get the address of the person to whom the letter is to be sent from Mike, so that it could be sent as soon as possible. After the success of the GoldenEye Tournament, the exec agreed that Union North was the most viable venue for the LAN party. Meeting rooms 4/5 have been booked for Friday week 7 (60 people) for a LAN party discussion + sign-up. The purpose of the meeting is to organise a LAN party to take place one day in one of the weekends after the meeting (Chris to book). It was agreed that this would be run as a sign-up aswell as a discussion, so that once things such as the number of participants and transport are organised, people can confirm that they are going to show up. The exec suggested some items that need to be discussed at the meeting:

It was decided that BNC would be the preferred method of connection, but that if people using Twisted-Pair cards had a hub with a BNC uplink, that this could be accomodated as long as they supplied the hub.

The society has been given a preliminary ok by the technical support guy at the Union, as long as he can check the setup before people turn their computers on (as per the GoldenEye Tournament).

Chris to mail the society about the discussion. It was decided that it would be too diffucult for the exec to officially buy network cards for its members and resell them, but that exec members could do it on a personal basis. As it is the first such event, it was decided that this LAN party be for members only, but that on subsequent parties, non-members could pay to join the network.

3: Publicity

It was felt by the exec, that they could do better in advertising society events. Chris passed around an information pack regarding the various information services offered to societies (poster runs, entries in the word etc). It was felt that better, earlier publicity could help attendance and awareness of events. It was also suggested that newsgroup postings could be sent to furthur advertise events.

4: WWW

The member who was interested in administering the site has now replied saying that he is working on the Union site, but that he can contribute to the site if it is needed. Phil Ross replied saying that he was interested in the position. It was suggested that in the interest of EquiOpps, an advert be placed in newsletter so that all interested parties can contact us to be considered. Barry to investigate the web facilities offered at the Union (Frontpage extensions, server side scripts etc)

5: Server

An email was sent to RAG, but there has been no reply. Chris Salmon to email the other societies if there is no reply within the week.

6: LaserQuest

The exec agreed that they would organise a LaserQuest social for this term, Chris to book this for Thursday Week 7 if possible. Selection for the society squad(s) can also take place.


The next meeting is set for Mon 15th at 14:00, meeting at the Fyshbowl.

Chris Salmon - Computing Society Secretary