Minnits - 1st November 1999

Mon 01 Nov 1999 Meeting Minutes

Compsoc Exec Minnits

1st November 1999



1. GoldenEye

The rooms have been booked as follows:

Meeting Rooms 4/5 for:

Wed 3rd November 7:00 - 11:00 (7:30 start and finish about 10:45)

Mon 8th November 7:30 - 11:00 (finish about 10:45)

We currently have 2 N64’s, 1 TV and another TV pending. Jan to organise another N64, and another TV should it be needed.

It was decided that to ensure fair competition and safety, the exec would elect umpires to stop too much noise, and to ensure the safety of the equipment. At the moment, the people able to do this (whilst not playing) are for Wed: Chris Smith, Barry, Andy and Chris Salmon. For Monday, the possible umpires are Jan, Barry, Andy and Chris Salmon.

The posters have been printed, and put up around campus, but those in the Union had be taken down as they don’t have the stamp of approval from the Union. It was recognised that any further posters needed to be stamped. It was also suggested that Barry could take some flyers or posters to the computer fair on wednesday.

Chris Smith is to get a T-Shirt for the tournament prize.

2. LAN party

The exec were shown the draft of the letter which has been decided to be sent to Jill Buxton, the person that Mike talked to previously. Amendments were suggested, including the addition of a statement to the effect of RSVP with your decision ASAP. It was also decided that the letter should ask Jill to forward it to whoever it may concern in the department.

It was decided that the society should hold a forum for LAN party discussion so that arrangements can be made more swiftly than through the newsgroup/email. It was suggested that it be marketed as part-social, with the members going on to the airport or similar afterwards. Chris Smith to book a room for this around week 6/7. Possible venues were discussed again, with Chris Smith to talk to technical support about any safety concerns with holding the party in Zippys or a meeting room for a day in the weekend. Another suggested venue was the Business School lecture theatre with network ports at each seat. Again, Chris Smith to ask about booking/availability.

It was suggested that the exec could provide a service for it’s members by renting out network cards for use at these Lan parties. It was decided that this might be too costly, but that the exec could help its members by selling known to be good network cards through the society.

3. WWW - Comms Officer

It was suggested that the exec could ask Paul Doyle if he was interested in maintaining the CompSoc website. However, it was recognised that he might either be too busy or not interested, so it was also decided to wait to hear a reply from the member who previously expressed an interest. In addition, an email to Phil Ross asking if he is interested in the position was also suggested. It was suggested that the position created would be that of the Comms Officer, so that the member concerned would also be responsible for the societies email.

4. Refreshers Fair

It was decided that the society did not need to actively recruit more members. However, Chris Smith is to find out the deadline that the exec can signup members until.

5. Joint Evening Events

It was recognised that the society does not contain many female members, and that if an evening event was planned it could be done in collaboration with another society. Suggested societies were: Psychology, Archery or a marksman-type society. It was suggested that such an event could take place in the second term.

6. Newwords

Barry to investigate revitalising Newwords for the society.

7. Accounts

Jan to talk to the finance officer to get info on the compsoc account.

8. Server

Chris Salmon to mail RAG (done this) about the computer they have connected to the University network. The idea of owning a seperate server was seen as being too expensive and awkward to organise, and seen as both a liability and computer security risk.


The next meeting is set for Mon 8th at 14:00, meeting at the Fyshbowl.

Chris Salmon - Computing Society Secretary