Pre-Term 3 Social Meeting Minutes (25/03/24)
Mon 25 Mar 2024 Meeting MinutesSorting out events for the next term :)
Agenda I: Circles
Number of Events
- Looking to do 1 circle and 1 other drinking event in term 3 due to it being exam season
- Pyjamas
- In a field
Would have to be after exam season - hosting in a field means it needs to be warm
w/b 17th June (T3W9) as the provisional date
Held in a field avoids the SU circling booking process
Risk assessment needs to be completed
Need to find a field with bathroom access
- Windmill hill (bathrooms in Cryfield accommodation
- Field outside varsity
Unreliable weather forecast this far in advance
Announce the week of the event early, and pick a specific day once we have a more reliable forecast
- Ideally it would be held on Wednesday (POP), but this is non-essential
Look into the cost and logistics of hiring a gazebo
Agenda II: Other Drinking Events
Pub Traversal
Held in term 3 Week 4
- Towards the end of the week (probably Friday or Saturday)
Pub golf
- Would be done in groups
Tenpin bowling
Alcohol is sold on site, however there are probably restrictions in place
- Could have forfeits for varying things, for example getting the ball in the gutter
Unfortunately we can't get a colleague discount for the whole group - prices aren't extreme anyway
Shot Chess
- Self explanatory
- Term 1 next academic year
Agenda III: Non-alcoholic Events
Location - On Campus
There are bookable barbeques around campus (such as behind Claycroft)
- Would need to be thoroughly cleaned before using
- Removes the need for disposable barbeques
Outdoor event form must be completed alongside barbeque booking
- The notice time for this varies based on attendance (20 - 50 = 10 days, 50+ = 28 days)
Holding on a weekend would work best to avoid clashing with exams
- Saturday exams are possible, worth looking at exam timetables when they're released to see possible clashes
- Can realistically be held on any day in the evening
Logistics/Catering - put out a form (or tickets through the SU) to get numbers and dietary requirements
It's possible people wouldn't submit a form and would turn up expecting to be catered for, any better alternatives?
Get a budget from the treasurers before shopping
Do most/all of the shopping at costco if possible, as we're buying a lot - a "shitload" of meat, bread, snacks, monster(!!!)
- This would require a car to transport everything back
The Chase, lecturer edition
Held around term 1 week 3
- One of the first society events for the freshers after freshers' week - there was a lot of engagement from freshers to the quizzes this year
- Is before coursework deadlines -> higher turnout
Can be held in a lecture theatre
- Possibly in the oculus, will need to be booked
- Can have a full scale setup
Contact DCS:
- See if they are able to sponsor the event
- Get interest from professors to act as the chasers
Playing for yourself/playing for charity?
Bake Off
Term 1
Should be held when its raining more as it's an inside event
Towards the end of the term
- Last years bake off was sponsored by the Oaks
- They won't financially sponsor this year
- Need to check we can still use their kitchens if needs be
- Can research on campus event spaces and see if any have large catering kitchens
Charity Casino Night
- Term 3 week 2 (after the dissertation deadline) - possibly 4th May
- Probably being moved to Term 1 to avoid clashes with deadlines and other events
- Do a flat fee buy in, which stops people from overspending (and blowing their life savings gambling)
- Get a set amount of tokens for the flat fee
- Physics, Stats and Maths did a casino themed event and may still have equipment we can borrow
- Poker & Mafia societies on campus may have equipment/experience they are willing to loan out
Alton Towers Trip
End of term 3 (no specific date mentioned)
- Plan to avoid rain - unfortunately weather forecast is unreliable this far in advance
Make sure it's outside of holiday time for primary and secondary schools (this is peak time for Alton Towers and will mean more expensive tickets)
Large number of attendees are expected, so transport would likely be a coach
- 2 hour drive each way in a coach, so should leave campus at 8:30-9am to get there shortly after gates open
Initially, get a quote from Alton Towers for large group ticket prices. Submit this to the SU to get event approved, then start selling tickets.
- Once tickets close, start paying all of the services, etc.
- If we sell more tickets than the quote, this isn't a problem, as tickets are likely cheaper for higher numbers
Tickets will be sold through the SU website, meaning an events planning pack must be done (2 weeks before the event)
- Need to start planning ASAP
Agenda IV: Training
- Event planning training etc on the SU website
- Do your training guys!!