Taskmaster Meeting Minutes (31/10/2023)
Tue 31 Oct 2023 Meeting MinutesDiscussing plan for Taskmaster event
- Mat
- Ivan
- Morgan
- Shivani
- Josh R.
- Samit
- Serene
AGENDA I: Themes
- Keegan’s stuff
- Think of possible theme for tasks maybe
- Mostly based in one room
- 6-8 tasks
- James Archbold as task master ⇒ no sadly
- Mat as taskmaster? + Icen if agrees
- TO DO: watch taskmaster
- TO DO: January 7th have task list finalized
- Goose selfie task ⇐ initial task
- TO DO: post initial task before winter break with taskmaster announcement
AGENDA III: Venue + Timing
- January 17th, week 2, 2pm to 5pm (provisionally)
- Book MSB room
- 3 pound 90 per team ⇒ one task
- Teams of 4 to 5 people
AGENDA IV: Promotion
- Group people into teams if they don’t have
- Register teams
- Put form on link tree for signing up in teams/individually
- January 7th have link in link tree and make insta post
- Put at beginning of winter break some key events so people make teams beforehand
- Discord announcement for both of these as well
- Taskmaster channel in discord
- Not going to be streamed because people might be uncomfortable and not good quality
- Will take photos