Week 1 Term 1 Exec Meeting Minutes
Wed 06 Oct 2021 Meeting MinutesWelcome to the start of term and the start of severe sleep deprivation. Here are the minutes from our meeting yesterday.
Present: Josh, Keegan, John, Ella
Apologies: Leo, Scott, Skiros
- Definitely a normal start to a meeting. Was definitely clear when we started...
Welcome Week
- Had a few mess ups with streaming during Welcome Week
- Some issues with people not being able to access Teams.
- Upload streams to YouTube as a result so more accessible
- As a whole, the livestream set up is now working for future use
- Pride stickers were very popular
- Geese were also very popular
Friday Night Gaming (should this be within Welcome Week? idk)
- Had a big turn out for gaming. Estimate maybe 100
- We did not order enough pizza. Was enough pizza for the amount of people we had at the time, but not by the time the pizza arrived
- Things to consider purchasing:
- 2nd Switch
- Xbox Series X
- PS5
- Look at doing more games. Maybe Jackbox for example
- Skiros (and Josh?) to try and sort out a sign in sign out system for gaming for covid purposes. Aim to have something sorted by end of this coming week
- Steam issues caused much pain.
Term 1 events
- Fairly good turn out. Maybe 10 people
- John abandoned Keegan which was rude. Keegan seemed hurt
- Someone mentioned the sending out of the newsletter reminded them that pub existed
- Side note: layout for newsletter on mobile a little broken
- Send a ping out for pub a bit earlier than 3:30 on the day
- Lightning talks to be organised by Keegan. Currently ⅔ talks sorted
- Was found from previous lightning talks that Karaoke talks confused some people. They didn’t seem to understand the purpose of them
- Won’t do a karaoke talk in week 2 but might in week 7
- Consider having a hybrid for lightning talks. Hopeful it can be in person but unlikely. Having a mix of some watching online and some watching in person might be good?
- The talks could be run online, but we book out a room if anyone wants to do a watch party for it. Put discord on the screen
- LANs are in weeks 4 and 7. We need a better name for the week 4 LAN than Jack’o’LAN
- Can’t really talk about LAN since Skiros isn’t here
- Want to ask Tanski about setting up events
- Used to charge £5 for non members at LAN?
- Merch will happen at some point
- Josh is dying with workload
- Need more flyers
- Get an exec without portfolio for secretary role - WE NEED HELP
- Update website
- Maybe have a resources channel in discord?
Key quotes:
- “Deploy it and hope for the best” - Josh
- “No such thing as too much pizza while you are in your early 20s, but once you reach 25 there is too much pizza” - John
- “Please don’t remind us of our mortality” - Keegan