Minutes 2019-01-28
Mon 28 Jan 2019 Meeting MinutesThe minutes for our meeting on the 28th of January, 2019.
- Present :: Everyone! On time, too! It's a Christmas miracle!
WASD is happening this weekend!
STILL not heard anything from Twitch about whether we get the front page slot. We're chasing this up.
One run has pulled out of the event (four exec look guilty), and so the schedule for each day is slightly shorter. Not a bad thing, because the days were kinda long and it simplifies the audio setup a bit.
Looking at hiring audio gear, David I is sorting this out.
Sponsors have basically blanked us, in most cases. We're trying to find one.
Tests from last week went well.
We'll need Amelie's car to move stuff to and from WASD (and to make a getaway afterwards).
Gaming is happening while WASD is (and also the Friday night).
We do have big screen coverage for some of the weekend.
We want the room locked both nights if we can get it.
We have things for the raffle.
We have quite a few coming up!
The Room
- Toby will be the guardian of Gaming while we're out.
Real Ale
TPP Pub Quiz
Creams Week 8-ish?
At the same time?
- No.
End of Term Meal
- At the Farmhouse
The LANgover
No drunk people allowed. No alcohol at LAN.
LAN will happen, otherwise, as normal.
Keep mentioning it on the Discord, on Facebook, etc.
Advertise a lot.
We need to make a large, concerted, and conscious effort to get people who are not currently exec to run. This is how the society stays healthy.
The AGM will be Friday Week 7, just before Gaming (6pm-8pm).
We need to advertise FREE PIZZA and talk about how FREE the PIZZA at the FREE-PIZZA-AGM is.
We'll announce the AGM later this week.
We want to additionally send a couple of emails describing the roles we have to offer.
We should make it clear that people who intend to run for an exec position should be willing to help out at LAN Week 6.
We'll prepare a presentation, and an awards ceremony.
Society Points of Order
We need to talk about several society issues at the AGM (so it need to be 2 hours to allow for this):
Should we make our membership free?
Should we rename our society?
- Issues that we are also an academic society needs to also be considered when doing this.
How we deal with programming workshops in the future (alternatively, do we offer something different instead?).
Sanity-checking our schedule - do we want to maintain the historic two LANs, Gaming, Pub schedule? Or does it need an update?
The Vive no longer fits in the box (because of the wireless adapter), so we store it externally now.
Clothing Order. Should probably happen fairly soon. We're thinking after the AGM.
David I, exasperated: "It doesn't fit!"
David I: "You. You fuck-nose."
Ryan: "It had better have an appropriately-sized opening."
Sam - Email Alan about LIB2.