Minutes 2018-05-08 (Term 3 Week 3)
Tue 08 May 2018 Meeting MinutesOur meeting minutes for our meeting on the 8th of May.
Present: David I, Sam, David II, Amelie
Late: Rob, Ed
Absent: Everyone else. Obviously.
TPP Pub Quiz
Happening this Friday.
We have The Graduate from 6pm, should arrive at about 6:30pm to get things in order. Unsure when David I is meeting the TPP representative.
Prospective attendance around 30 based on Facebook event, hoping for slightly more.
Signups should close soon, need to define a hard deadline.
We've been asked for a WASD schedule, which is a little early. We want to give people at least three weeks of notice, but it isn't ready yet. Can sort this out one Gaming (when Jai is around).
Jai has proposed a new WASD equipment setup, costing in the range of £120. This comprises audio mixers and cables primarily. We have plenty of money to support this, and should be happy to sign off on it.
The society currently only owns USB microphones, need to check how this can work with the proposed setup, maybe buy adaptors.
We need a logo for WASD - at this stage, it may be worth contracting the design of that work to someone on fiverr.
- We'd need to provide a rough colour scheme and idea.
Jai has been working on a set of overlays using nodecg, he's doing great and we appreciate it.
Thinking of giving every WASD participant something from the Discord swag bag, or similar.
BFL Tournaments
Already being asked for a schedule, again. We'll work this out alongside WASD.
In terms of prizes, Sam Hine is reaching out to people (update: he popped by, and confirmed that they haven't heard back from Overclockers yet), and we have the ROG headset.
We can also use some of our Discord and Twitch swag.
Also may be worth setting aside some society money to get some good prizes.
Need about 6 prizes for Overwatch, 3 (1st-3rd) for Hearthstone, and some number for the Random Indie Game tournament.
Random Indie Games prizes to be arranged.
Need to 3D-print a trophy.
A £15 Steam voucher for 1st place in Random Indie Games seems appropriate.
Hearthstone prizes could be 3D-printed cards.
- Blizzard also do Hearthstone merch.
Overwatch prizes could be pop figures, but we can look into this further.
Hearthstone logistics need to be organised, that's to be arranged at a future meeting with eSports present.
Gaming Officers
- No formal applications, will defer this discussion to a future exec meeting.
Landing page complete!
David I is working on a login system.
- We're now an OAuth provider!
Need to build many things, including event system, ticketing, etc.
eSports have kindly provided an API key to their membership lists.
Plan is to use this for organising most LAN things in the future, and it's all rather exciting.
We'd like to launch this in Week 5-6.
- We need to establish consent for keeping the data of our old members. Next email this needs to be made extremely clear.
Gaming is a little dead nowadays, and we want to change that.
Rock Band was always a massive pull, and we should have it in the Atrium at the beginning of next year.
We need to push for a higher attendance, but how much of this can happen before next year is frankly questionable.
We really need to make things "just work" on our systems, revival of gaming-get, using Lutris, and making games easy to run and use.
- Overwatch is a bit of a lost cause for a while; we need a new version of RedHat.
Also can set up our own Wifi.
Maybe get another console.
Our advertising is a little CS-focused, and this may be limiting our audience.
Need to look at using the big screen, and developing material for it.
Utilise the SU street team to distribute our flyers. It costs £50, but that's more than affordable.
Advertising for BFL needs to happen around the same time that signups open.
David II - Put hard deadline on WASD signups (next Wednesday, 12pm).
David I - Ask Jai about USB mics vs jack mics.
Sam - Play excessive amounts of Hearthstone.
Sam - Place GDPR notice in large letters on the next email.
David I - Make SU big screen images, send to Sam.
Sam - Organise street team advertising.
David II - Develop list of Indie Games for the tournament.
David I - "That's off the record"