Minutes 2018-01-30 (Term 2, Week 4)

Tue 30 Jan Meeting Minutes

Minutes for the exec meeting on 2018-01-30

Present: David I, Adam, Sam, Callum, Rob

Late: David II, Amelie, Elliot, Ed

Absent: Everyone else. Obviously.


AGM & Handover




David I - Buy Ethernet cables and new switch.

Sam - Do AGM admin (reminding people to join, taking list of members).

Everyone - Make handover packs for new exec.

David I - Buy HDD for Kernigan.

Sam - Put up a doodle for fixing compsoc stuff session next week.

Rob, David I, Sam - Decide on server downtime and alert the society through comms channels.

Sam - Mention Gaming and Programming is cancelled this week through comms.

Elliot - Find the drums.

Adam - Organise and book EOT meal.


David I - "IUuughuugughugmmmmmm maybe."

David II - "My head is not that big!"

David I - "No comment."

Sam - "What we are calling radiators."

Amelie - "I'm not social sec...yet."