Minutes 2017-11-23 (Term 1 Week 8)

Thu 23 Nov Meeting Minutes

Minutes for the exec meeting on 2017-11-23

Present: David I, David II, Sam, Rob, Adam, Callum, Amelie, Elliot

Absent: Everyone else. Obviously. Unfortunately including Ed, who gave apologies.

Guests: Cyberia, James, Toby, Dan, Luke



XBox One X**

LAN Preparation

3D Printer


Charity Event

New Software


David I - Look into buying a projector.

David I - Spread material for charity social

Sam - Look into a report channel.

Sam - Make an #anime channel

David I - Ask Ben to marry up #anime to irc.


David I - "We could annoy AnimeSoc but who cares" *glances at AnimeSoc*