Minutes 2017-11-09 (Term 1 Week 6)
Thu 09 Nov 2017Minutes for our exec meeting on the 2nd November.
Present: Sam, Callum, David I
Late: David II, Amelie, Elliot, Ed
Very late: Adam
Very late + a little bit: Rob
Absent: Everyone else. Obviously.
Skool Dayz: need to sort this out around LAN rota.
Policy on drunkenness at LAN: at the discretion of the exec, but being "tipsy" is probably fine, but if someone is acting very drunk and/r poses a danger, evict them from the event.
May cancel one of the three drinking socials in coming weeks.
XBox One X: look into buying this.
Money is now available.
Will buy a UPS in coming weeks, use this opportunity to update the servers.
Also thinking of getting some webcams for streaming at LAN.
Mail system
We're being rate limited by our new provider, David I looking into reverting the changes.
Long term we might get some nice styling templates.
Will make a #announcements on the discord server for a real-time version of the newsletter.
LAN tournament signups (best done at LAN).
Trophies: looking at printing metal trophies for eveents at LAN. Not yet going for "busts of McNutty's face".
Amelie - Watch Robot Wars
David I - Revert email system
Sam - Send promo email
Sam - Sort out discord channel
Adam - Sort out transport for bowling
Callum - "If they die in a healthy and safe way, you're fine."
David II - "I want to redact my punch. Sorry, Rob."
Adam - "I'll wipe it from my memory by drinking, or something."