Minutes 2017-02-14 (Term 2 Week 6)

Tue 14 Feb Meeting Minutes

Minutes week 6 term 2

Present: sam, dixon, david, kirby

* Deadlines for manifestos? Intent to run? Need to advertise the AGM a bit more. Separate email would be good.

* Servers are almost nearly done. David received the last disk for Lovelace yesterday so that's finally done. Just need to configure Milner to user LDAP for sudoers and LDAP for user scripts, then we can open up to societies etc. Currently LDAP does not have user accounts.

* All websites will be hosted on Hopper from now on. Will have to set up Apache, Node, PHP etc.

* New switch for LAN has been bought and it has been marked. Still needs money claimed back.

* AGM is Wednesday Week 8 at 5pm.

* Nominate Roger for Unsung Hero award.

* Gaming ran fine without dcs-get.

* Need to chase up money.