Minutes - 10th June 2015

Wed 10 Jun Meeting Minutes

Marmite's Musings: I'm on 2 hours sleep and have an exam tomorrow. Stop expecting wittiness from me you vultures.
Wordart is underused.

Marmite's skeleton notes, to be fleshed out later when he's less braindead:

-More detail on discussion, clearer conclusions in minutes
-Gokarting money collection, should be doable manually, aim to finish by friday gaming
-BFL: newsletter for signups, plan out events/tournys, get hands on controllers, rota to come
-Open day: something informative & engaging (wordart! explosions! - hermit), something interesting but broad on academic side (web hosting package with database access, not shell stuff as is current)
-Marmite and mcnutty to meet monday 15th
-Rockets planned to have all components running by tuesday 16th for a weekend launch
-Lemon will let department know about open day volunteers (basically various execs)
-Ask DCS to be mentioned in freshers' communications
-Get posters, flyers all printed and paid for