Minutes 27-02-12
Tue 28 Feb 2012 Meeting MinutesPresent:
MrWilson, Cranman, TeamDoherty, zed0, MikeCobra, Goshawk, Moltenfire, James, Ruth, Dirtus, Demo, Daniel.
Barcraft postmortem
- General consensus is that people only really want to watch the finals of the event at Barcraft.
- While the event at the Phantom Coach was successful, it is an inappropriate location for future events. This was due to a number of reasons such as the lack of internet connection and no separate room being available.
- The unfortunate room clash with the poker players was due to a double booking by the Phantom Coach staff, and was not an issue on our end.
- The majority of new people were attracted to the event by posters. Print more posters!
- Unclear when the next Barcraft will be; the next major event, IEM Hanover, clashes with LAN.
Super Smash Brothers Melee tournament at LAN
- The time and date for the tournament was decided as 6pm on Saturday.
- Ruth will buy the prizes and an additional Gamecube and a VGA splitter will also be purchased.
Starcraft tournament in term 3
- Enough interest was shown through emails for a tournament to be held.
- Groups into an elimination bracket was decided on, with the semi and finals at BFL.
- Prizes will be purchased nearer the time, clothing was a popular suggestion but sizes are obviously a problem. Ruth suggested just buying them in Adblax’s size.
- Unfortunately, sound proof booths will not be constructed for the finals.
Backus hardware updates and goggins replacement
- A new network card will be bought to hopefully fix Backus, or at least help diagnose the problem further.
- All services from goggins will be moved over to Estridge on Wednesday or Thursday morning at the latest.
- Disappointing turnout last week. The idea of talks was popular, but there are large issues fitting in anything before term ends.
- In future the departmental lectures could advertise the event to improve its popularity.
Gaming keys
- One of the existing sets of keys doesn’t work and new keys will be cut by Mike.
Weekly Steam gaming session
- A weekly gaming session will be trialled. The first game will be Killing Floor on a Thursday night.
Other issues
- Dijkstra was left out, this was simply a organizational error and better communication is needed in future.
- Ops will be restored to the new exec.