Minutes 10-02-2012
Fri 10 Feb 2012 Meeting MinutesPresent:
MrWilson, Cranman, TeamDoherty, zed0, MikeCobra, Taby, Goshawk, Moltenfire, James, Ruth, agaeki
New Exec Handover
- The keys of all power have been passed over to the new exec.
- agaeki has volunteered and been appointed the new gaming officer.
- New games to be got working on Gaming computers (SC2, Eve).
- We live on in hope that one day Steam will work.
Server administration
- Arora will have an software update and new case added in the immediate future.
- Two new servers will be bought to replace goggins and jess.
Gaming Equipment
- New consoles and gaming equipment will be bought for the Friday gaming sessions (Wiis, Kinects, controllers).
Social Trips and Media
- zed0 is to keep the Compsoc facebook updated.
- An exec handover meeting is planned.
- An end of term trip is planned, with suggestions including Lego Land, Thorpe Park and paintballing. There is a poll to be made on the website so members can vote for their preferred option.
- zed0 is to organize Bletchley Park trip.