Minutes 4/2/2011
Fri 04 Feb 2011 Meeting MinutesPresent:
Azurit, TeamDoherty, zed0, MikeCobra, Dangerman, EvilGenius666, APC, Demo, Cranman, Dirtus, MrWilson, Taby, SigmaD.
- AGM is on Wednesday at 7pm.
- ’Anyone voting for RON will be shot.’ - Azurit
- Secretary handover involves making sure replacement is literate.
- ‘If we get all of CompSoc to vote for RON [in the union elections], would that be enough to screw them over?’ - TeamDoherty
- No food at this gaming as DCS in having an open day on Saturday.
- The Street Fighter tournament will be after the elections.
- We could advertise this at the union or WSC?
- TeamDoherty & Azurit will resolve the minecraft competition.
- ITS seem to be blocking ports for Arora.
Action: Azurit to talk to JCO about this.
Action: SigmaD to send reminder e-mail about no food at gaming - Encourage signups next LAN.
- Still missing £2000.
- Cranman e-mailed Pam.
- ‘Can we still use the money even without access?’
- 7 Accounts?
- Enough money for ProgComp prizes though.
- TeamDoherty deals with ‘funny’ guys.
- ‘They’re making resnet not shit?’ - Demo
- ‘They’re making resnet less shit.’ - Zed0
Action: SigmaD to sort out clothing order.
After the meeting:
- ‘If I were kuros, I probably would have gone to bed about midday… There we go, 12:46.’ - TeamDoherty