Minutes 24/6/2010
Thu 24 Jun 2010 Meeting MinutesPresent:
Cranman, Sinjo, Connorhd, Monk, TeamDoherty, SigmaD, Azurit
MrWilson, Agaeki
- There needs to be an Exec rota.
Action: SigmaD to create googledoc for exec rota. - No offical pizza order at the BFL.
Action: Fyorl needs to speak to Roger about the trolley. - Power for setup (Check MrWilson and Agaeki remember the power arrangement Azurit told them about last LAN.)
- Natural20’s friends shouldn’t be a problem but he should sign them up as proper guest accounts.
- 63 people should be fine(current number), but not more than 65.
- “The space, but also the smell.”-Connorhd
- People could be pushed into the Math Pond to remedy this problem.
- Rockband and Console games will be in LIB1.
- IBM are visiting on the Wednesday of BFL to discuss sponsorship.
- Organize trips, such as the ones to IBM Hursely. Maybe try to re-organise the IBM Warwick event.
- Providing speakers for talks.
- May provide freebies for the fresher’s fair.
- IBM is our main sponsor; appearing on the website.
Gaming Tournament:
- TeamDoherty may run a small tournament during the BFL, for people at the LAN.
- Maybe Street Fighter 4 or Team Fortress 2.
- Agaeki needs to be poked to fix TF2.
MCM Expo:
- NTS from the anime society has suggested a joint trip to the MCM Expo.
- It is straightforward to create an event for this.
- Nothing has been heard from Dirtus.
- MrWilson suggests a picnic on the Wednesday.
- Any Sunday event can’t be on campus and may also conflict with the England game.
- An event on Wednesday would be good if the weather is nice.
- The same place as last year would be good for this.
Saturday activity:
- If anything was going to happen, it should have been planned at least 6 weeks ago.
Room Booking for next year:
- Should get in contact with them before it opens, concerning LANs.
Action: SigmaD/Mogmiester to sort out transfer of room booking powers. - Engineering tried to book LIB2 for a single hour during the BFL again.
- We should check that this was sorted out.
- If we don’t get priority, negociate with who has the room. LIB2 is the only suitable room for LANs.
- Book LIB1 for LANs.
Fresher’s Fair:
- We should get a PVC printed banner for the society. (That can also be used at LANs.)
- Mary from the Paintball society had a similar banner created for paintball, which we should talk to her about.
- Rayfount printing have good quality.
- The banner should have Hemmed edges and Eyelets.
- We still have some flyers and posters left over from last year, in Backus’ cupboard.
- The posters from last year are on Connorhd’s userspace.
- We may recieve free stuff from our sponsors to give out at the fresher’s fair.
Academic Talks next year:
- Book a room to make talks a regular event.
- Sinjo and Connorhd have volenteered to do talks.
- Bloomberg also offered people to do talks.
- Deatils should be sorted out during summer.