Exec Minutes - 26/11/2009

Thu 26 Nov Meeting Minutes


Matthew Alves, Nathan Wong, Tim Monks, Connor Dunn. Chris Sinjakli, Claire Thomas, Tomas Pilar, Rebecca Chui



SES were denied. Despite Connor’s attempt to get in touch with them, they never replied to us. The exec decided that we’d be happy to let them do stuff in CompSoc if they wanted.

Food at Gaming

An email has been sent to the members. Should gaming continue to be left in a state after gaming further action will be taken.


An email has been sent about what happened. Further problems will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
Action: Azurit to apologise to fred.

SF4 Tournament

The room has been booked for the last Wednesday of term. Posters will be done this weekend, as will the website to go on the posters/email.

Secret Santa

Estel will organise this

XBox360 Stuff

It is possible to get Microsoft points with the HDD. We also need a laser pointer/clicker for presentations.
Action: Azurit to email exec with links and prices, taking the above into account.

Christmas Meal

Wingwahs has been booked for Friday 4th.