Exec Minutes 02-11-2009
Mon 02 Nov 2009 Meeting MinutesPresent:
Trip, Monk, Connorhd, Dirtus, Azurit, Steve, Twinklefeet, Mulletron, Sinjo
SSE Training
Monk notes that the Event Planning Packs are worth having a look at - see here (general information) and here (forms for specific events). The Warwick Advantage award may also be a useful opportunity.
Action: Monk to put society logo on SU webpage.
Action: Connorhd to attend the presidential training/duty of care session.
Action: Sinjo to attend first-aid training.
LAN Rota
There was some discussion about the exec rota and the tech team rota, with suggestions to ensure LAN rotas are fairly allocated.
Action: Azurit to send out an email to exec about the LAN rota.
Risk Assessment Forms
This has not been filled out yet. Monk requests that exec members should each fill out the form to be sent by Wednesday 4th of November. The Risk Assessment forms can also be archived for later reference.
Action: Monk to re-link to the risk assessment forms via email.
Action: All exec members to fill out risk assessment form.
Christmas meal and Reunion:
Action: Pepper to 1) ring Wing Wahs concerning booking seats for Christmas meal; 2) email alumni to gauge interest in attendance for the meal and 3) make event for Christmas meal on the website.
Sinjo and Connor at Gaming:
Sinjo and Connor cannot attend gaming on Friday November 6th. Monk volunteered to attend at the beginning to log people in.
Action: Connor and monk to discuss the details of turning off the system and other technical details.
Gaming Plans
It was suggested that there should have been more tournaments at last week’s gaming. Noted that last week’s gaming had substantially less attendance due to the Alton Towers trip.
Action: monk to buy SF4
Any Other Business:
As Estel has a lecture 5-6 on Mondays, an email will be sent out to re-negotiate exec meeting times that are compatible for all exec members.
Steve mentioned the possibility of setting up an organized FOSDEM trip this year.
Actions that were not followed up last week are also re-actioned again below:
Action: Azurit to send out email about available exec meeting times.
Action: Mogmiester should book rooms for talks for the remainder of the term and should contact timetabling about removing the room booking at PS 1.28 (as this is not needed).
Action: Connorhd to talk to the reception to get the talk on the DCS board.
Action: Azurit to buy cleaning supplies by this Friday - duct tape, bin bags and table cleaners.
Action: Mulletron to send email on an organized FOSDEM trip.