Exec Minutes 26-10-2009
Mon 26 Oct 2009 Meeting MinutesPresent
Mogmiester, Estel, Sinjo, dangerman, monk, mulletron, azurit, Connorhd, zed0, Trip, pepper, Spooky_Rach
Trip will make the order tomorrow for 500 fliers from the union printers
Action: Trip to order fliers
Mogmiester’s Absence
Mogmiester is leaving for a week, and so needs people to stand in for him. It was agreed Connorhd would do the newsletter, Monk would do the agenda and Trip write the minutes
Action: Connorhd to send out a newsletter Sunday evening
Action: Monk to email discuss and have an agenda for next Monday
Action: Trip to write minutes and then put them on the website next Monday
LAN stuff
Due to lack of rooms booked, a late first LAN and clashes with the CompSoc Christmas meal, there will not be a second LAN this term.
Room Bookings
The talks will continue to be held in S0.10 for the rest of the term. The entire block from week 6-10 will be booked and bookings will be emailed if we do not need the room that week
Action: Mogmiester to book the S0.10 for the remainder of the term and cancel any that are not needed
Monk wants to do workshops after the talks have ended for hands on experience. The talks will need to be advertised on DCS notice boards.
Action: Connorhd to talk to the reception to get the talk on the board
Action: Mulletron will talk to Steve Matthews about the Python talk in week 5
Due to noise complaints and lack of monitors, the Xbox360s will be set up in the adjacent room. Rockband has been put in the cupboard so Estel doesn’t need to look after it anymore. We have also room out of cleaning supplies.
Action: Azurit to get cleaning supplies
SSE Training
Two of the exec will have to do this. Monk will link the information in #exec after the meeting
Risk Assessment Form
Monk will print it off after the exec meeting and fill it in
Christmas Social
The function room in Wing Wahs fits 30 people in it at capacity. Pepper will phone them and see how more people can be at the restaurant. It may be necessary to split people into two parties. Seeing as it is CompSoc’s 10th birthday, alumni should be informed and invited if possible, so pepper will need to email them to see how many are interested. It needs to be held on a Friday or (preferably) Saturday so they can come. It will be held at the end of week 9.
Action: pepper to ring wing wahs
Action: pepper to email alumni to gauge interest
Action: pepper to make event on the website for the social
Clothing Order
Connorhd will look into changing the logo and the design of the clothes.
Mulletron will finish the tournament page on the website.
Mulletron wants to bring gamecubes to gaming. He will get back to us when he has more info.
The Street Fighter 4 disc has been scratched. We need to buy 2 more disks, and make sure the xbox360 is laid down when in use and discs are not in it when the xbox is moved.
Action: Monk to buy SF4