Term 1 Week 4

Sun 25 Oct Newsletter

Sup CompSoc.

We have an exec meeting tomorrow at 5-6. Please come along and raise any
points you wish to raise, or come along just see see your friendly exec
members in action! After that we will be heading down to the pub as usual.

I hope that the first half of term 1 was ok, and that any freshers flu
you caught
has now cleared up. With any luck you've been enjoying the socials we've been
putting on for you. If you haven't been to any yet, then this is week
your chance!

This week is also the week we wil...

Sup CompSoc.

We have an exec meeting tomorrow at 5-6. Please come along and raise any
points you wish to raise, or come along just see see your friendly exec
members in action! After that we will be heading down to the pub as usual.

I hope that the first half of term 1 was ok, and that any freshers flu
you caught
has now cleared up. With any luck you've been enjoying the socials we've been
putting on for you. If you haven't been to any yet, then this is week
your chance!

This week is also the week we will be going to Alton Towers. Depature is at
8am from outside the arts centre. We will email those going to confirm this
later in the week.Please remember to pay monk if you haven't already, and don't
stay up too late at gaming :D.

This week's events
Exec Meeting on Mon, 26th October

Pub Social on Mon, 26th October

WGD Workshop on Wed, 28th October

WGD Meeting on Thu, 29th October

Pre-Gaming Social on Fri, 30th October

Gaming Session on Fri, 30th October

Alton Towers Trip on Sat, 31st October

Chatting with us
We also recommend you connect to our IRC network so you can chat to our
members a bit and get to know them. It's a very good way to get to a feel
for the society as a whole.
Find out more at: http://uwcs.co.uk/cms/about/services/irc/

We also have a steam society and servers accessible from on campus. To
learn more join our steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/uwcs

Further Info
If you have any other questions, http://uwcs.co.uk/cms/about/faq/ is a
good place to
start, and you can always drop us a line at compsoc-exec@uwcs.co.uk.


Matthew Alves/Mogmiester