Minutes - 22nd May

Fri 22 May Meeting Minutes


Mogmiester, Zed0, mulletron, azurit, Zaer, bakaidiot_, Demo, dangerman, Sinjo, connorhd, monk, Brad, Trip, Dirtus, sadiq


pepper, Estel


Estel was not at the exec meeting so we were unable to discuss his list of ideas. monk does not have any ideas for things to do next term for wuglug, but an email has been sent to discuss to ask people for ideas, and we already have quite a few talks lined up.

Trip needs to make leaflets and posters for next year to convince freshers to join

Pepper needs to come up with ideas for socials at the end of term. We can go karting on the 20th of June. She also needs to look into cinema at BFL

The ticket system on the website has been fixed, so Mogmiester can ticket people

IBM have given us sponsorship. We will need to give a weeks notice for the IBM trip next year. We will need to put the IBM logo on the website

connorhd will sort Accenture sponsorship

Monk needs to buy projectors

Azurit needs to talk to Estates about power at the BFL