Exec Minutes - 19th February 2009

Thu 26 Feb Meeting Minutes


Matthew Alves (Mogmiester)
Nathan Wong (Estel)
Chris Sinjakli (Sinjo)
Claire Thomas (pepper)
Tomas Pilar (Azurit)
Connor Dunn (Connorhd)
Tim Monks (monk)
Rebecca Chui (Trip)
Ken Teh (Ken)
William Harris (Dirtus)
Thomas Blake (Twinklefeet)
Michael Tandy (alskdj)

Mailman moderation

The new exec needed mailman administrator and moderator passwords.
Action: Monk needs to reset the passwords, and Sinjo needs to change
it so that the whole exec can see notifications on exec, discuss and
announce mailing lists.

IEEE fun

It was noted that we should not form an IEEE student branch, but
rather help DCS if they wish to form one.

Action: Connorhd to get jiggy with Roland Wilson, and ask about DCS
forming a student branch.

Warwick Real Time Strategy Society

Warwick RTS should be messaged, and ask if they cannot use our resources.

Action: Mogmiester to message RTS soc and ask for a meeting with
Azurit and Estel.

Equipment loan for Game Design Society

Cables and what not for Warwick Games Design were sorted by Connorhd.
We also need cable covers, however.

Action: Monk to buy cable covers and related things.

Arranging new gaming contact for next year

Due to Hammad and Mulletron leaving next year, we need to ensure we can
still run the gaming even and have someone with access to the Compsoc
guest account.

The meeting between Azurit, Connorhd and Roger has not gone ahead
yet, as they are still waiting for Roger to suggest a time. From what
we have heard from Hammad, Roger is fine to have Connor and Sinjo as
contacts for this, but nobody outside of the department.

Cupboard Key handover

The keys for the new cupboard have been given to Sinjo by Monk. Monk has
also given the original to Hammad to give back to Roger.

Projector Purchase

Twinklefeet, the animesoc president, is happy to sell us the
projector. He will get to the exec of compsoc when he knows how much
for and when. However, it is possible that it is in Hammad’s or
Mulletron’s office.

Action: Monk to find the bloody projector.


We remembered that budgets have to happen soon.

Action: Monk to make a budget draft for sometime this weekend

Techteam Organisation

There are a large number of people interested in doing tech stuff this
year. Monk, Connor and Sinjo all agreed we should have a techteam meeting
ASAP and advertise this to the members, in order to organise what priveleges
and jobs people should be assigned.

Action: Connor, Monk and Sinjo to arrange a time for the techteam meeting,
and email an announce to the members.

And then there was Cake :D