AGM results!

Sat 21 Feb News Item

The results of the AGM are in, and I am pleased to announce the new exec were elected as follows:

|Academic President|Connor Dunn (Connorhd)|
|Gaming President|Tomas Pilar (Azurit)|
|Secretary|Matthew Alves (Mogmiester)|
|Treasurer|Timothy Monks (monk)|
|Social Secretary|Claire Thomas (pepper)|
|Technical Officer|Chris Sinjakli (Sinjo)|
|WUGLUG Liason|Timothy Monks (monk)|
|Gaming Officer| Nathan Wong (Estel)|

As well as these elected positions the new exec have voted to appoint a Publicity Officer positi...

The results of the AGM are in, and I am pleased to announce the new exec were elected as follows:

|Academic President|Connor Dunn (Connorhd)|
|Gaming President|Tomas Pilar (Azurit)|
|Secretary|Matthew Alves (Mogmiester)|
|Treasurer|Timothy Monks (monk)|
|Social Secretary|Claire Thomas (pepper)|
|Technical Officer|Chris Sinjakli (Sinjo)|
|WUGLUG Liason|Timothy Monks (monk)|
|Gaming Officer| Nathan Wong (Estel)|

As well as these elected positions the new exec have voted to appoint a Publicity Officer position to Rebecca Chui (Trip).

Our next exec meeting will be at 5pm this Thursday and all are more than welcome to attend. In the meantime if you wish to contact any of the new exec many of us are active on "IRC":/services/irc/ or you can find our individual emails "on the Exec details page.":/society/exec

Connor Dunn
Academic President