Exec Minutes - 19th February 2009

Thu 19 Feb Meeting Minutes


Matthew Alves (Mogmiester)
Nathan Wong (Estel)
Chris Sinjakli (Sinjo)
Claire Thomas (pepper)
Tomas Pilar (Azurit)
Tim Monks (monk)
Connor Dunn (Connorhd)
Rebecca Chui (Trip)
Raj Shukla (Natural20)
Hammad Qureshi (Dr)
Adish Bharadwaj Ramabadran (Viruk)

Publicity Officer

The previous exec decided that a publicity officer was needed. After a brief discussion, Trip was nominated to the position, due to her experience and the exec being impressed with her work on the one world week advertising. Those wishing to are free to help her.

Weekly Exec Meetings

The weekly meetings will remain at 5 on Thursdays. Mogmiester will need to email the exec asking if they want anything added to the agenda.

Tech Handover

Hammad handed the keys for the cupboards in DCS over to connorhd. Also, monk needs to have 2 more keys cut for the second cupboard we have.

Sinjo says that the tech team is fine so far. Mogmiester needs to email compsoc-announce asking for people interested, Sinjo needs to talk to zed0, Brad and Jack, and Brad needs to give root access to Sinjo.

Sinjo needs to get the Backus ports reopened. After this has happened, he and Azurit can talk to ITS about getting some ports opened for a gaming server.

Warwick IEEE Chapter

The IEEE is an engineering group which the exec decided we should advertise to our members. Mogmiester should email compsoc-announce about it.

Status of DCS gaming for the next year

As both mulletron and Hammad are leaving this year, DCS gaming could be in trouble. Azurit and connorhd need to tell Hammad when they are free and organise a meeting with Roger as soon as possible

AGM organisational problems

Proxy voting for the AGM needs to be done a lot better next time, as does the general organisation of the event. It was decided however that this should be done closer to the time.

Exec Handover

Mogmiester asked about what he should do on the newsletter, and it was decided that the current method is good: email on Monday containing events that are coming up in the week.

Natural20 needs to give the pub phone number to pepper, for bookings of the pub on Monday evening.

Mogmiester needs to email the exec a list of all the phone numbers of people on the exec.

New ideas for the society

Games Library

Natural20 raised the idea of a games library for compsoc. There was dicussion both for and against it, with worries of obsoleteness of games, lack of people with consoles and licensing issues. Natural20 will talk to the exec in the first week of term 3 with a full proposal.

Textbook library

There is also the possibility of a book library. Before this can occur, monk and connorhd need to look into storage space.

Encouraging members to help run the society

It was suggested by Estel that we rename the exec meetings to something more inclusive. The resulting vote was a draw, and so it was decided instead that the exec meeting would be advertised more for anyone in compsoc to turn up.

Mogmiester will need to email compsoc-announce asking if anyone wants to suggest anything.

LAN organisation

Mogmiester will need to talk to estates a week in advance to confirm the room bookings for LAN have no problems with power, aircon etc.