Exec Minutes - 8th January 2009

Thu 08 Jan Meeting Minutes


Tim Monks (monk)
Hammad Qureshi (Dr)
Adish Bharadwaj Ramabadran (Viruk)
Nathan Wong (Estel)
Tomas Pilar (Azurit)
Matthew Alves (Mogmiester)


Raj Zal Shukla (Natural 20)
Nicholas Pope (Knicos)

Tech Officer

As Knicos was leaving university for an extended period of time, it was decided that the society needed a new Tech Officer. It was also decided that Brad must be the new Tech officer (mainly because he is already in contact with ITS to deal with their upcoming investigation on network stability). monk also pointed out that there is someone else lined up for the position of tech officer (Jack Ley), but at the moment we really need Brad.

Action: Brad to get the keys to the UWCS computers from Dr, and Dr get Knicos’ set of keys.

C Tutorials

Dr wanted to organise C programming tutorials in the DCS. It was agreed that these would be held in Week 3 and Week 4 of this term.

Action: Dr to try and book the DCS Labs to conduct this event.

Gaming Accounts

Azurit mentioned that he needed shell access to the UWCS gaming servers as he usually stayed till later than anyone who actually had access during gaming sessions.

Action: Brad to give Azurit a shell account in the UWCS gaming servers.

Annual General Meeting

It was decided that the AGM be held Mid-March (around the 15th).

Action: Viruk to book a room in which to hold this meeting.