Newsletter for 16 October 2008

Thu 16 Oct 2008 Newsletter

Welcome to Warwick and to what is the first compsoc newsletter, going out
in week 3, easily demonstrating the ruthless effienciency of your beloved

We'd like to welcome in particular the new freshers who have joined our
ranks and encourage you guys to take part in as many of our activities as
possible be they gaming, academic or just plain socials.

Probably the most important event for this week is the fresher's social
which is going to be happening from 3:30-6:00 this Saturday in SO.28. Just
drop in whenever you feel like to meet the exec, have some snackies and
see what goes on in the bowels of Compsoc whether it be gaming or
academically focused. Hopefully we won't scare you too much.

--- Timetable ------------------------------

This week:

-Saturday, 18th, 15:30, Fresher's Social, SO.28 (Social Studies, Ground

-Wednesday 22nd, 18:30, AO.23 (Accounting) WugLug meeting.

(Please see: for updated list)

-- Notices -------------------------------------------

-Lan signups starting this Friday for Freshers, this Sunday for all other
members, be there and be square. That's the 17th and 19th of October for
those who like dates.

-Signups for the Compsoc Clothing Order start this Friday for those who
want to be really cool and have a customised hoodie, fleece or t-shirt in
their name.

--- Phantom Coach Pub Social ------------

The Social (Monday) starts at 19:00 at the Phantom Coach on the A45.


That's all from us for this week, attend as many events as you can and
good things will happen in the form of flying invisible intangible

Raj Zal Shukla aka Natural 20

Socials Officer
Undergraduate Economics Student
University of Warwick