LANs and Freshers

Tue 23 Sep 2008 News Item

Hope you've all had a great summer and for those of you who are coming back and that you're looking forward to the new year.

Multiplay have just contacted us and asked if any members would appreciate free (yes, free! Normal price is &£45, I believe) tickets to the PC Gamer Showdown at Stoneleigh park *this weekend*. If you aren't aware, Stoneleigh Park is very conveniently located, being only about 10 minutes travel away from campus. This is a BYOC LAN event for 800 people with some big cash prize tournaments and various game demonstrators on hand (Valve will be there with Left4Dead, I believe).

If you're interested in getting one of these tickets, please can you email me ( as soon as possible before they pass the tickets on to anyone else. There are just 6 tickets available so if there are more than this many people interested, they'll be distributed on a first-come-first serve basis.

Information about the PC Gamer Showdown can be found at "":

In other LAN news, compsoc LANS are currently pencilled in for week 4 and 8 of term (subject to confirmation). I'm also wondering if anyone is interested in attending i35, a larger 2000 capacity Multiplay LAN on Halloween weekend, also at Stoneleigh Park. Details can be found at "": . Again, if this interests you, it would be nice to hear from you.

Finally, we have a stall on both days of the fresher's fair in week 2 of term and could really do with your help. If you're able to join in, please can you sign up on the relevant events on our website.