News 08/09
News from 08/09!
Alternate Communication Sources
Mon 29 Jun 2009
Owing in part to the extended server downtime over the weekend, we'd like to point out that we now have a presence on both "Twitter": and "": where you can keep abreast of society news and information. There is also a "Facebook": page, should you prefer to follow the society in this way.
Read more >>BFL signups extended
Sun 21 Jun 2009
Thanks to favourable power situation in Lib2 we decided to extend signups by 10 spaces to a total of 70. Therefore if you missed your signup now is your chance.
Read more >>Minutes - 29th May
Fri 29 May 2009
pepper, Trip, monk, sadiq, connorhd, mulletron, Mogmiester, Sinjo, Zaer, Dirtus, bakaidiot_, dangerman, Demo
Read more >>BFL Guest Signups open ahead of schedule
Sun 24 May 2009
Guest signups for BFL at the end of term 3 are open as of now. This is due to problems with SU authentication which were out of our hands. Standard members are advised to signup as soon as possible in order to get a place.
Read more >>Minutes - 22nd May
Fri 22 May 2009
Mogmiester, Zed0, mulletron, azurit, Zaer, bakaidiot_, Demo, dangerman, Sinjo, connorhd, monk, Brad, Trip, Dirtus, sadiq
Read more >>BFL Signups Open
Thu 21 May 2009
BFL signups for the LAN in week 10 (22-26 June) are now open to all members. Guest signups are due to open on June 3 in order that priority be given to our members.
Further details on the BFL can be found here:
Exec Minutes - 14th May
Thu 14 May 2009
Estel, Demo, Mogmiester, Sinjo, Dangerman, Connorhd, Ester_mouse, monk
Read more >>Exec Minutes - 7th May
Thu 07 May 2009
Dirtus, Trip, Estel, bakaidiot_, Demo, pepper, connorhd, Twinklefeet, sadiq, Sinjo, monk, Mogmiester, dangerman
Read more >>Minutes - 30th April
Thu 30 Apr 2009
Mogmiester, Dirtus, Pepper, connorhd, Sinjo, Agaeki,
dangerman, Demo, bakaidiot_, Estel, Trip, mulletron, monk, azurit,
New website
Tue 28 Apr 2009
As you should be able to see, today we have rolled out a new website. We hope that you like it, and find it easier to use. However, please note the following:
Read more >>Exec Minutes - 12th March 2009
Thu 12 Mar 2009
Tim Monks (monk)
Matthew Alves (Mogmiester)
Nathan Wong (Estel)
Chris Sinjakli (Sinjo)
Connor Dunn (Connorhd)
Tomas Pilar (Azurit)
Rebecca Chui (Trip)
Michael Tandy (alskdj)
Richard Warburton (mulletron)
Anees Ahee (dangerman)
Benedict Falconer (Zed0)
Nick Ridgeway (Agaeki)
Sadiq Jaffer (sadiq)
Wissen Lau (SinFa)
William Harris (Dirtus)
Vincent Poon (bakaidiot_)
Jess Smith (Jessica)
Exec Minutes - 5th March 2009
Thu 05 Mar 2009
Tim Monks (monk)
Matthew Alves (Mogmiester)
Nathan Wong (Estel)
Chris Sinjakli (Sinjo)
Connor Dunn (Connorhd)
Tomas Pilar (Azurit)
Rebecca Chui (Trip)
Thomas Blake (Twinklefeet)
Michael Tandy (alskdj)
Richard Warburton (mulletron)
Anees Ahee (dangerman)
Benedict Falconer (Zed0)
Nick Ridgeway (Agaeki)
Term 2 LAN 2
Wed 04 Mar 2009
Once again we hit that time of term when a weekend can be wholly devoted to the honest, clean and outdoors fun of a good LAN party. For those of you who haven't been before (or in a little while), you might want to read the what to do [0] and bring [1] guides on the website, an indispensable tool for all potential attendees. I would also like to draw your attention to the Pizza Order [2] on the website, which we'll be making from Dominos and should arrive 9 or 10PM on Friday. At 50% off, there s…
Read more >>Exec Minutes - 19th February 2009
Thu 26 Feb 2009
Matthew Alves (Mogmiester)
Nathan Wong (Estel)
Chris Sinjakli (Sinjo)
Claire Thomas (pepper)
Tomas Pilar (Azurit)
Connor Dunn (Connorhd)
Tim Monks (monk)
Rebecca Chui (Trip)
Ken Teh (Ken)
William Harris (Dirtus)
Thomas Blake (Twinklefeet)
Michael Tandy (alskdj)
AGM results!
Sat 21 Feb 2009
The results of the AGM are in, and I am pleased to announce the new exec were elected as follows: |Academic President|Connor Dunn (Connorhd)||Gaming President|Tomas Pilar (Azurit)||Secretary|Matthew Alves (Mogmiester)||Treasurer|Timothy Monks (monk)||Social Secretary|Claire Thomas (pepper)||Technical Officer|Chris Sinjakli (Sinjo)||WUGLUG Liason|Timothy Monks (monk)||Gaming Officer| Nathan Wong (Estel)| As well as these elected positions the new exec have voted to appoint a Publicity Officer pos…
Read more >>Exec Minutes - 19th February 2009
Thu 19 Feb 2009
Matthew Alves (Mogmiester)
Nathan Wong (Estel)
Chris Sinjakli (Sinjo)
Claire Thomas (pepper)
Tomas Pilar (Azurit)
Tim Monks (monk)
Connor Dunn (Connorhd)
Rebecca Chui (Trip)
Raj Shukla (Natural20)
Hammad Qureshi (Dr)
Adish Bharadwaj Ramabadran (Viruk)
AGM - tonight!
Wed 18 Feb 2009
Once again it's the time of year that our Annual General Meeting comes around. We'll be assembling our conclave later this evening at 1830 in rooms R0.03/04 in the Ramphal building, and I'd like to wholeheartedly encourage you to attend if you find yourself even slightly partial to the future direction of the society. There may be snackies, and in true compsoc tradition a trip to a purveyor of beverages seems likely to follow.
Read more >>First LAN of Term 2
Sat 10 Jan 2009
Reasonably quiet week for CompSoc.. except of course for LAN next weekend! Signups are still open, but places are obviously being taken up, so head over to the events page if you don't want to miss out on a weekend of epic procrastination. (You might want to check out the pizza order event also, so that you don't starve while you game.)