News 06/07
News from 06/07!
Proxy Voting Open!
Thu 15 Feb 2007
Proxy Voting is now open. The candidates are:
*President*: Richard Warburton (Mulletron), Andrew Wheat (Candle)
*Treasurer*: Bruce Tinton (Bruce)
*Secretary*: Simon Hammond (Hamster)
*Tech Officer*: Fred Emmott (Fred), Timothy Retout (Tim)
*Academic Officer*: Arun Prasannan (Polar)
*Gaming Officer*: Chris West (Faux), Andrew Lee (Fluff_eei)
*Wuglug Liaison Officer*: Daniel Watkins (Odd_Bloke)
Recent MySQL Problems on Molotov
Tue 13 Feb 2007
MySQL should now be fully functioning again if you've only been using MyISAM tables (the default). If you've been using InnoDB tables, your database should still exist, however you may have to restore data/table layouts from backups. If you don't have a recent backup or don't have access to your database, please contact
Read more >>Second LAN of term!
Tue 13 Feb 2007
Our second LAN of term is now up on the events page. Note that as we are in a smaller room and we're not sure of power requirements, signups for this event will be limited to 30 at first. Once we know what the room can take, we may bring them up to 40, but it seems unlikely that we will be able to fit many more.
Read more >>LAN Seating and Pizza!
Sun 28 Jan 2007
There is now a "drag and drop LAN seating plan": - just drag people around and hit "save new arrangement" if you don't like your existing seat.
Read more >>UWCS Exec Minutes - Fri, 26th January 2007
Fri 26 Jan 2007
Apologies were received from Fred Emmott, and the WUGLUG organising committee, who had arranged for Chris to appear on their behalf.
Read more >>Console Gaming Session
Tue 23 Jan 2007
There will be another Console Gaming session this Saturday, at 7pm in B2.07. Please indicate if you're able to come and if you're able to bring a TV on the signups page!
Read more >>Karting!
Tue 23 Jan 2007
CompSoc is planning a karting trip on the Wednesday of Week 7 (21st Feb). It will start at 3pm at Mr. Karting, in Leamington, and cost will likely be about &£30 (I've not had confirmation of that yet). Transport is likely to be provided by members, so if you have a car, please say so in your signup comments.
Read more >>UWCS Exec Minutes - Fri, 19th January 2007
Fri 19 Jan 2007
Apologies were received from Daniel Watkins.
Read more >>Console Gaming Session + LAN Signups
Wed 17 Jan 2007
We have been invited along to the VGDSoc's Console Social this Friday (19th) at 7pm in B2.07/B2.08. Feel free to come along! If you can bring a TV too, that'd be great!
Read more >>UWCS Exec Minutes - Fri 12th January 2007
Fri 12 Jan 2007
Richard asked how WUGLUG’s XING event had managed to clash with console gaming sessions. No one had commented on Richard’s emails; are the exec on the WUGLUG list? It was agreed that Sean should be raising these issues. Richard appreciated that XING was announced with short notice. Richard and Daniel had turned up to this meeting in lieu of Sean, and expressed concern about the lack of communication within the Computing Society - for instance, on the status of gaming. Richard wanted to speak to …
Read more >>Bowling
Thu 11 Jan 2007
CompSoc will be running a bowling social on Thursday of Week 3, leaving campus from the main bus stop at 6:30pm. We'll be eating in Leamington before heading over to the TenPin in Leamington.
Read more >>(Console) Gaming Session this Saturday
Thu 11 Jan 2007
As Warwick Estates have still yet to furnish our new gaming room, we'll be running a console gaming session this Saturday in B2.13/14 at 7pm-midnight to attempt to inject some gaming into the society!
Please, if you have a TV you can bring/lend us, let the exec know (either by email or by specifying in a signup comment)!
Sorry about the late notice!
Read more >>Pub Social
Tue 12 Dec 2006
Just to let you know that the Linux User Group is organising a "pub social": this Wednesday. We'll be at the Phantom Coach from 6:30pm onwards, for an informal get-together and meal. Everyone is welcome to attend, whether you're a Linux user or not. We'll most likely be staying for the pub quiz afterwards, which should be a fun evening for all.
Read more >>UWCS Exec Minutes - Fri 8th December 2006
Fri 08 Dec 2006
No one had the previous week’s minutes, but I’m sure we would have approved them at this point.
Read more >>Compsoc Minutes (01/12/2006)
Fri 01 Dec 2006
h4. Present (Exec listed first) Bruce Tinton (Bruce)Andrew Wheat (Candle)Frederick Emmott (Fred)Arun Prasannan (Polar)Sean Connolly (Morlark)Laurence Hurst (Laurence) Timothy Retout (Tim)Sadiq Jaffer (Sadiq) h4. Agenda SecretaryProgcomp promotionOSPEmergency fund for server upgradesAny other business h4. Joblist | *Person* | *Item* || Laurence | Notify members of date of EGM as well as procedure for nominations and proxy voting and deadlines for each.|| B...
Read more >>Codathon results, Programming Competition
Mon 27 Nov 2006
The "entries": for the game coding event have been judged by FreeStyleGames and the results are as follows:
1. Powerstation
2. Neutro
3. Mutation
4. Atomz
5. Ponies / Dirty Bomb
This year's "ProgComp": is now live. Accenture have kindly provided us with a prize fund of £500. Deadline: Week 12.
Read more >>Codathon, LAN, Tutorial and Lecture
Fri 17 Nov 2006
Thanks to everyone who attended the 48 hour game coding competition and the Perl tutorial.