Exec Minutes - 12th June 2007

Tue 12 Jun Meeting Minutes

Present: Mullet, Sadiq, Si, Monk, OddBloke, Polar, Fluffeei, Bruce, Lucidion
Apologies: Tim (away)


Mullet reported that he had spoken to Roger Packwood about re-opening the Gaming account. Roger is talking to Paul Williams.

Fluffeei asked whether tech team had delivered a working ‘locked’ down solution yet?

Mullet said that the launcher had been updated to authenticate against the CompSoc database. The intention is to use an alternative exec function call to control application forking.

Sadiq asked if gaming will be running when term finishes.

Mullet said he wasn’t sure, we would need to see what numbers we had.



Fluffeei reported that he had tried Sicilian Pizza. They were better than A2B and cheaper than Pizza Hut. He will be trying more later this week.


Fluffeei reported that Piggeh seems well organized for a tournament.

Mullet asked whether we had decided on what server would be used - Codd or Bong?

Bruce asked if we could use Insomnia.

Mullet replied that it would be non-trivial to get the server from (and back to) ITS.

Fluffeei said that he wanted to run FreeCiv and OpenTTD on Bong during the LAN.

Power Problems

Sadiq said that following Bucko/Fred’s email on Power, it looks like the maximum number of people will be 50.

Mullet replied that Bucko had proposed people could bring either a laptop, a fan or an extra monitor to help with power problems.

Action Fluffeei to produce a BFL email stating that people can bring <=1 of a FAN, LAPTOP, 2nd MONITOR or CONSOLE, (2) tournament (3) can we get people only bring laptops to tell Exec so we know we will have extra power.

Action Fluffeei to email library people re LAN

Action Polar to contact Fred RE: ITS Email for Internet use.

Action Fluffeei to scan SSLC form for BFL.

Action Polar to post news items on the UWCS website

Action Fluffeei to create an event for Cinema trip (possibly earlier in week)

Action Si to find email of things we need from old LANs

Action Polar to talk to icStatic - are FreeStyleGames coming?

OddBloke said that Monk has suggested we hold a social when LIB-1 is in use by Engineering.

Action Fluffeei to create LAN event when LIB-1 is in use.


Polar said he had emailed AMD

Mullet stated that he had no reply from Google yet meaning we are currently 2/3 slots short.

Polar has not spoken to Steve Matthews yet.

Sadiq asked if we had contacted Free Style Games or Blitz.

Action Si is to email Sun Microsystems.

Action Polar to email Mike Shuttleworth.

Mullet asked if the LUG has emailed Linux developers or specialists?

Dan replied that they had but the response had been generally no.

Action Polar to email Oracle.

Action Polar to email/talk to Martin C-Kelly.

Sadiq asked if we wanted a talk on Robot Football?

Si asked if something similar was used for the Prog Comp if we could use the talk to increase interest?

Sadiq said that he might be able to get Ken to do the presentation but he is very busy.

Action Si is to do Speaker Series Poster.

Society Paragraph

Mullet said that we had all been emailed by the Onion to ask for a paragraph describing the Society. He had emailed Exec with a suggested one.

Action Fluffeei is to get Sober, email the preferred Society paragraph to the Union and then get drunk again.


Polar said that he had done the Accenture form.

Sadiq said that he thought Accenture was a first come, first served.

Action Exec are to reply to Polar’s Accenture email.

Tech Team Handover

Mullet told the Exec that following the decision to create a Technical lead and two deputies when was it to happen and who was it to be?

Polar said he was unhappy with the Exec making the decision without proposals.

There was a general discussion about what the role was going to be. Sadiq said that the deputies will be supporting roles which rotate to enable more members to get involved.

The Exec agrees to co-opt a Tech Officer but to wait until nominations from members

Action Si is to email exec@ with an email asking for nominations which will be sent to members.

Merging Pub Socials

Mullet said that there had been a lot of positive feedback.

Monk said that he was not particularly happy with the merger as he didn’t know if people would come to campus.

Mullet said that moving to campus will help to encourage freshers.

Exec agrees to merge official socials.


Polar is talking to ITS on Friday with regards Cupboard. They are unhappy with level of detail in report so they want to inspect the box.

Polar is configuring software tomorrow for report (with Lamby).

Meetings after Summer

Action Polar to email exec with date when he is back from summer.

Action Si will create an iCal feed or RSS feed for Exec events.

Leaflets for Halls

Sadiq said that he thought blanket leafletting would not be very effective. Exec agreed. He proposes that we create quarter A4 posters and put in pidgeon holes.

Mullet said that he wants to use induction meetings to explain about the Society.

Action Si is to talk to Stephen with regards CompSoc giving presentation in Software Engineering.

Action OddBloke to think about BZR talk.

Next Meeting

Tuesday, 16:00, MR3