Exec Minutes - 2nd March 2007

Fri 02 Mar Meeting Minutes

Exec List - Public or Private

The group discussed various aspects of the issue which had been raised via email conversations over the week. Richard proposed we could adopt one of two existing styles - the WUGLUG discussion list style or alternatively a public read system.

Fred stated that he preferred to have a public and private system - there could be a private list for closed communication, a public list for everything else.

Dan stated that he would prefer a WUGLUG style system to be used in addition to the existing system.

Bucko suggested that the exec list email goes private and external email goes public - with the intention of improving transparency.

Richard proposed to have a public list and a private for closed businesses such as society communications and funding arrangements.

Tim stated that he believed there was a perceived problem that the exec did not communicate to members well.

Richard stated that it was every Exec members responsibility to try to communicate with the membership and answer their queries as much as possible. In particular, if perception was an issue then we needed to confront it head on. It was concluded to leave the exec list as is.

Social with VGDSoc

Richard said that conversations with VGDSoc had led to Tuesday Week 10 being suggested for a social.

Action: Bucko to book rooms for Social

Richard discussed a Laptop LAN and a Console session.

Action: TechTeam to be ready for a Laptop LAN
Action: Bucko to book two adjacent B rooms if possible.

Schedule for 2007-2008

Richard said that we need a meeting to plan for the 2007-2008 academic year. Candle said we should do this at an exec meeting.

Action: Next week’s exec meeting to discuss 2007-2008.

Report on term 3 socials

Bucko said he had completed the form for the term 3 BBQ but had not picked up the form yet. We would need to find a fire extinguisher. He had also agreed the Paintball Social times with Paintball soc.

Bots of IRC

Discussion centred around a private incident that had occurred on IRC recently. Details are not included in the minutes for privacy.

T-shirts for Programming Competition Entrants

Andrew said that he had not yet done anything with regards t-shirts. Their location was currently unknown.

Action: Andrew to find t-shirts and to put them in the CompSoc cupboard. Email exec when this has been done.

Prizes for Programming Competition Entrants

Arun stated that we had promised exciting prizes but this was difficult to justify given the number of entrants.

Action: Andrew to buy prizes totalling &£250. To try to offer some academic value
Action: Bruce to communicate with Hardware Team over possibility of extra &£200 funding.

Exec Hand Over

Action: Dan - First Aid Course
Action: Richard - Duty of Care
Tim - Equals Ops Policy - already completed
Action: Andrew - Find out what happened at Presidents Meeting
Action: Andrew - Hand over President’s Box to Richard
Action: Tim - to get business cards from people

Nursery Project

Richard explained that the nursery project had made some progress. In particular a number of developers had met the customer and she seemed happy with the product so far. It was also concluded that we should only accept a contract to maintain the product if sufficient financial incentive was available for the society, and also only for a period of one year, however the o?cer seemed unlikely since ITS seemed likely to takeover maintenance of the product.

Action: Andrew and Richard: to work on database over weekend.

CompSoc Library

Dan explained that O’Reily were offering free evaluation copies and a 35% discount to CompSoc members provided we wrote small reviews on the book. We are also obliged to place a banner on the CompSoc website.

Action: Tech Team to inform Dan of what books are needed for upgrades.
Action: Tech Team to place referral link on website.
Action: Dan to investigate if we can donate books to library after review.

Introduction to CompSoc PDF

Arun introduced the topic (which had also been discussed with the Tech Team. The idea is how to obtain services from CompSoc for new members.

Agenda: Material for CompSoc PDF 07
Action: Arun in charge of PDF and Wiki
Action: Arun to complete list of what the PDF will contain.
Action: Every team to produce 2 A5 sides of material covering the basics of what people need to do for their area.