UWCS Exec Minutes - Fri, 19th January 2007

Fri 19 Jan 2007 Meeting Minutes


1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Daniel Watkins.

2. AGM Moved

WUGLUG are planning to go to FOSDEM at the same time as the AGM was planned. It was hence agreed to move it to Wednesday week 7 (21st February), and to use the Learning Grid for the meeting.

3. WUGLUG Communication

Richard brought up WUGLUG’s XING event, notice of which was mailed to the exec in advance. The idea was that it would run at the same time as gaming. Last week’s exec meeting had a limited turnout. Communication about academic matters between the exec and WUGLUG tend to be good, but the lack of communication with respect to gaming is frustrating.

Andrew agreed that last week’s meeting was a farce. Fred pointed out that exec members could not guarantee their attendance. It was pointed out that Sean does not attend exec meetings, but other WUGLUG members can.

Richard and David discussed XING and the console gaming sessions at some length, and came to a mutual understanding.

4. Tickets

Bruce’s proposal from last week was raised - it was agreed that open tickets should be raised at exec meetings, starting from next time.

5. Warwick Nursery Project

Tim reported on a meeting that he, Laurence and Polar had had with three business school students, doing a project for the Warwick Nursery. They wanted CompSoc’s help to develop a capacity planning system. It was noted that CompSoc would be unable to offer long-term support for the project once complete. Candle offered to help with development. Richard proposed some sort of support contract between the nursery and the individual developers.

6. Custom web scripts on molotov

Fred reported on a recent exploit of a society account on molotov, via some insecure custom-written code, and he asked for ideas for preventing such exploits in future. Richard proposed a tutorial on writing secure code. Andrew asked whether setting a test for webmasters would be feasible, or security auditing; but it was agreed that a test would be a barrier to usage of CompSoc’s services. Safe mode was also briefly considered, but dismissed as too limiting.

7. IBM

Tim reported that he had met an IBM employee at an internship fair this week, and secured the email address of the person responsible for replacing Yvonne Billingsley, the previous campus relationship manager.

8. A.O.B.

8.1 Pub socials

Fred proposed moving the weekly pub socials to campus. Andrew was happy with the idea, but objections were raised. In response, Andrew suggested having the first half of each term on campus, and then move. David pointed out that the problem with attracting first-years (and others) to the pub was not the location, but the lack of participation itself; and that individual invitations to people tended to be more effective.

8.2 Programming competition

Arun asked whether a Wii was being purchased as a prize for the programming competition. Andrew replied in the negative, as he was waiting until the number of entries was known. The matter was to be discussed at the next exec meeting.

8.3 Guest talk

Arun reported that Chris Sharp was unable to make the talk at the scheduled time, but that a replacement IBM Master Inventor would be sent instead. Arun was tasked with planning the promotion of the event.

8.4 AGM

An email notice of this was to be sent out in two weeks’ time.

8.5 Loughborough University CompSoc

David was tasked with arranging the details of the joint LAN with them.

9. Next meeting

7:30pm, 26th January 2007.