UWCS Exec Minutes - Fri 12th January 2007

Fri 12 Jan 2007 Meeting Minutes


1. Apologies


Richard asked how WUGLUG’s XING event had managed to clash with console gaming sessions. No one had commented on Richard’s emails; are the exec on the WUGLUG list? It was agreed that Sean should be raising these issues. Richard appreciated that XING was announced with short notice. Richard and Daniel had turned up to this meeting in lieu of Sean, and expressed concern about the lack of communication within the Computing Society - for instance, on the status of gaming. Richard wanted to speak to the exec about gaming and [XQ]ING.

Bruce was concerned that exec members who weren’t members of WUGLUG receive little information about WUGLUG activities. Richard proposed that Andrew should join the WUGLUG mailing list.

Also noted was the trip to FOSDEM at the end of February, which clashes with a LAN weekend.

3. Programming Competition Prizes

This was deemed to be Andrew’s responsibility. Arun expressed disappointment at this having been postponed for five weeks, and Richard suggested that someone needed to speak to Andrew personally.

4. Google Ambassador

Daniel was asked to be campus ambassador to Google, and declined gracefully. Bruce proposed Richard as a temporary ambassador. Arun was actioned to contact Google.

5. Bugzilla Tickets

Bruce proposed going through open Bugzilla tickets before A.O.B. at every exec meeting.

6. A.O.B.

6.1 Refresher’s fayre

Tim noted the existence of this, and that the society had missed it.

6.2 Add tickets.uwcs.co.uk to newsletter?

It was suggested that the URL ‘tickets.uwcs.co.uk’ should be added to the weekly newsletter.

6.3 Displeasure at poor attendance by CompSoc exec members

Arun agrees with this sentiment. Daniel noted ‘disgust’.

7. Next meeting

7:30pm, Friday week 2. Daniel sends apologies in advance.