Newsletter for 21 November 2006

Tue 21 Nov Newsletter

Newsletter week 8



Unfortunately this newsletter starts with an apology for the rather out of date newsletter which arrived a few weeks ago. A number of people spotted the date was somewhat in the past, while other astute members pointed out that many of the `upcoming’ events has already happened. I’m not quite certain what caused it to be delivered quite so late (it was sent on time) but we are endeavouring to make sure this does not happen again.

Social Events

Upcoming social events include the Christmas meal on Saturday 2nd December at the Virgin and Castle in Kenilworth at 3pm. Further details of this will be made available as we get them. Also upcoming is Bowling in Leamington Spa at 3pm on Wednesday 6th December and will cost &£7.50. We are also organising another pub crawl on Thursday 30th November starting at 7pm in the City Arms in Earlsdon.


This weekend is the second LAN party of the year. In order to help things run as smoothly as possible, if you are signed up can you please email your MAC address (also known as your ‘hardware address’, this can be found with “ipconfig /all” on Windows or “ifconfig” on Linux), your name, your preferred IP address and who you would most like to sit near to lan at as soon as possible. If you are intending to bring more than one computer (you may bring a maximum of two) you should supply 2 MACs and IP preferred addresses. Please do not bring alcohol to the LAN.

To get the LAN kick started we’ll be running a couple of large games: F.E.A.R Capture the Flag and Unreal Tournament 2004 Onslaught. Please visit for more information about this and other LAN games.


The society currently have 5 tshirts without names on available for sale at Â&£5 each. If you would like one email exec at and provided that we still have some we will arrange to sell one to you.

Academic Events

We have a number of upcoming academic events, including perl tutorials on Wednesdays in L5 at 2pm for 1 hour beginning this week and a guest talk from IBM on virtualisation in L5 at 3pm on Wednesday 29th November (TBC). Keep an eye on our website for more events as they come up.


Just a quick reminder that our regular pub socials are continuing in the City Arms in Earlsdon. The pub social is a great way to meet fellow members of CompSoc and enjoy a meal in a relaxed environment, without any computers! The pub social is not about drinking and I have personally never seen anyone drinking excessively in over 2 years of attending. If you are at all unsure of how to get there just pop onto IRC where someone will be able to give you directions or may even be able to go there with you.

Gaming Sessions

We are still working hard on re-establishing regular gaming sessions and hope to have some news soon.

Exec Meetings

There will be no exec meeting this week due to the LAN. All members are reminded that exec meetings are open and all are welcome to attend. Exec meetings are held at 7:30pm every Friday in meeting room 6 in the students union.

Linux User Group

Linux User Group meeting, as always, is on Wednesdays, so head along to the Learning Grid for 7pm. If you have any trouble using/installing/fixing Linux on your machine there are plenty of people willing to help. There is also the BUGFLUG (see for more details), again in the Learning Grid, on Mondays between 12 noon and 2pm.

Internet Relay Chat

You can talk to most regular CompSoc members, and all of the exec via CompSoc’s IRC server. The connection settings are:

A windows IRC client is available from:

Cable / Web Hosting

Compsoc provides many services to it’s members including the sale of Ethernet RJ45 cable, and a shell account and webspace on a Compsoc server.

Base charge for a cable is &£1 plus 30p per metre. So,

The shell account on our server Molotov is free, and comes with 50MB of storage and is accessible from the url: . Extra quota is only &£2.50 for an extra 500MB, far cheaper than any hosting provider you’re likely to find. The server is on campus so uploading to it from campus machines will be at LAN speeds. More information about our Web Hosting here: