Compsoc Minutes (16/06/2006)

Fri 16 Jun Meeting Minutes

Present (exec members listed first)

Name (IRC Alias)

Andrew Wheat (Candle)
Laurence Hurst (Laurence)
David Byard (db_rat)
Bruce Tinton (Bruce)
David Buckley (Bucko)
Kim Tibbetts-Harlow (Kim)
Sean Connolly (Morlark)
Fred Emmott (Fred)

Arun Prasannan (Polar)
Chris West (Faux)
Benjamin Weber (Benji)
Timothy Retout (Tim)


Last weeks minutes were agreed.


Candle informed the meeting that it was now his intention to organise a clothing order over the summer to arrive before the start of Term 1, due to the lack of time remaining before the end of this term.


Laurence proposed an archive of CompSoc policy, extracted from the minutes of past exec meetings in order to provide a centralised reference for CompSoc policy.
Kim agreed this was a good idea, as long as it was made policy that it was the Secretary’s responsibility to keep it up to date.
The rest of the exec agreed that it was a good idea.

BFL rota

The exec decided that there should be an exec member and a different tech team member awake at all times during the BFL. Laurence agreed to organise the rota, liaising with Fred to ensure no clashes with the tech rota.

Any Other business

The meeting noted that after two pub crawls in 24 hours, Morlark was present in body only

Kim asked about booking space at the Fresher’s Fayer. Fred reported that the forms for booking were not available yet. Bucko suggested that talking to someone now would be a good idea anyway.

Db_rat said he was going to talk to Yvonne next week about money from IBM for CompSoc, and needs to hear from anyone who would like to request money, such as the LUG, as soon as possible.

Fred agreed to help Bucko move the barbecue from his room at 11:30 for the CompSoc barbecue. The meeting were told that we have got the fire extinguisher, although a first aid kit needs to be arranged.

Faux asked about the status of reserves for the mega lan, since some people were leaving early or arriving late. Bucko suggested that Faux check his email more regularly as this had already been addressed in an email to all sign ups.

Polar said that Microsoft would be interested in providing support for the Fresher’s Fayer. The exec decided that we did not compromise our current good relations with certain organisations, who have an anti-Microsoft stance, and so would not accept this support at the present time.