Compsoc Minutes (09/06/2006)

Fri 09 Jun Meeting Minutes

Present (exec members listed first)

Name (IRC Alias)

Andrew Wheat (Candle)
Laurence Hurst (Laurence)
David Byard (db_rat)
Bruce Tinton (Bruce)
David Buckley (Bucko)
Kim Tibbetts-Harlow (Kim)
Sean Connolly (Morlark)
Fred Emmott (Fred)

Arun Prasannan (Polar)
Chris West (Faux)

Union room bookings

Bruce reported that he has submitted booking requests for the exec and LUG meetings next year.

The exec decided to book the fresher’s fayer for Wednesday of week 2, and Bruce agreed to book this too.

The exec decided that events which required rooms booking for next year were LANs, game programming competition, tutorials and guest lectures. Db_rat said that he needed to talk to Kim to arrange times for the game programming, tutorials and guest lectures around planned social events and other items such as expected course-work deadlines and exam periods.

The exec decided that the LANs next year would be held in term 1: weeks 4 & 8, term 2: weeks 4 & 8 and term 3: weeks 2 & 10

Union Website

Laurence reported that the new exec had been entered onto the union website as such. Kim said he would have a look at the Compsoc section there.

Moderation of proposed official forums

It was suggested that some people might not feel able to speak freely if the exec were moderators of the new forums. Bucko suggested exec and ex-exec should be moderators and Fred suggested that only exec were made moderators initially and more could be added if needed. Fred also said that he did not intend moderators to be able to remove posts, but rather moved to a hidden forum which other moderators could then see and restore them if necessary. Candle agreed that only exec should be moderators to begin with, but then more could be added if it was felt they were needed. A number of members who the exec deemed to be potentially suitable candidates for additional moderators were mentioned. Fred pointed out that since these are official forums, all moderators would have to comply with Union Equal Ops policy.

Bucko wished it to be noted that he didn’t think that ex-exec should be initially excluded from the list of moderators.


It was said that orders of clothing could take upto 4 weeks to deliver. Candle said that we need to decide on what clothing would be offered. Laurence and Fred felt that the same selection as last year would be a good idea.

Faux wished it to be noted that he objected to the fact that the clothing catalogue contained no thongs.


Bruce said that room bookings had already been covered.

Db_rat reported that he is working on the ResNet leaflet.

The exec decided that the #welcome IRC channel should be officially deprecated and as such removed from any official documents (i.e. the website).

Bucko suggested switching the IRC client to something which actually works. Kim said it would be a good idea to get this done ASAP since we might be getting some potential members looking at the website over the summer.


Db_rat will talk to accenture ASAP.

Lug domain

Polar reported to the meeting that has expired. It is currently registered to someone in Croydon. Morlark was chosen to chase it up as LUG liaison officer.


Last weeks minutes were agreed.

Any other Business

Bucko requested help with transport of the BBQ from his room. Fred agreed to help him. Bucko also asked if the exec felt a Gazebo would be a good idea. The exec agreed it was, if we can get one. Kim agreed to organise getting the fire extinguisher.

db_rat said that he intended to buy books for the BFL, and that Union rules prohibit the awarding of vouchers or tokens. Bruce said that any receipts needed to be in by the end of the week for money to be claimed from the Union by the end of the term.

Fred reported that ITS have not responded about the Xen servers and that he has been too busy with exams to chase them up further.

Kim requested ideas for the BFL socials in addition to the Varsity social. A member had suggested going to see X-Men III, however this did not seem to be very popular. It was pointed out that if a small group of members wanted to go and see the film they would probably organise it themselves anyway.