CompSoc Minutes - 2004/10/08

Fri 08 Oct Meeting Minutes

CompSoc Minutes 2004/10/08


Peter Ellis apologised for not posting the minutes from the last meeting to the exec list and thus read the minutes for approval.


It was commented that the membership was 60 down from the end of last year. Richard Wilson asked the meeting if anybody thought this was a problem but pointed out that we usually get approximately one member a week joining the society and thus this was probably about the same as last year. The people present concurred and the item was rested.


Peter Ellis apologised for not sending out a job list last week due to other pressures getting on top of him.

Timothy Troy requested that when people arrange stuff that they send a mail to the exec list telling people about it. The rest of the people present concurred.

First Social

The confusion over the time of the first social was cleared up and Peter Ellis apologised for the lack of communication. It was agreed that we should meet at 17:30 in union north to begin preparation for the social.

Tickets to a union event

Peter Ellis raised the matter that 2 tickets to a union event had been made available to him by the Welfare and equal opportunities department for writing the broadband guide but he did not wish to make use of them. The meeting agreed that it would be fair to offer these as a prize for something. The decision of what they would be a prize for was deferred until later.

IBM Linux challenge lecture

Peter Ellis and Andrew Sully were tasked to organise the publicity for the Linux challenge lecture on Wednesday the 13th of October.


Timothy Troy asked the exec what likely expenditures there were for the year to assist him with preparing the budget. The exec provided him with rough figures but agreed to provide him with better data on both our hardware requirements and the cost of advertising lectures by the next exec meeting.

Richard Wilson summarised who has the finance cards and who the authourised users are.

Michelle D’israelie asked how we would be funding the coach trip to IBM Hursley on the 3rd of November. Timothy Troy suggested subsidised coach fares and the rest of the meeting concurred. Michelle D’israelie pointed out that the union organise coaches at a somewhat lower rate than private hire and Peter Ellis and Timothy Troy agreed to investigate this on Monday.

Planned Spending

Richard Wilson then summarised the planned spending for this year as follows.


Timothy Troy asked if the Academic team would be requiring money for booking AV equipment, Peter Ellis said this would be unnecessary if we did room bookings through DCS.

At this point Richard Wilson asked for a summary of the financial situation and Timothy Troy agreed to have this ready for next week.


Paul Broadbridge and Timothy Troy mentioned that there were connectivity problems with Insomnia but the discussion of this was deferred until later.

Peter Ellis was asked what the situation with the gaming user account (Suahu) was, he reported to the exec that we are currently waiting for the ITS technical support to get back to us and agreed to chase them up about this.