Professor Kevin Warwick

Tue 09 Mar News Item

Professor Kevin Warwick of Reading University's Cybernetics Department will be giving a guest lecture here on Tuesday, April 20th at 6:00pm in R0.21 (Ramphal Lecture Theatre). Professor Warwick claims to be the world's first cyborg, and had an electronic chip implanted in his arm. If you're going to go to one lecture next term, make it this one!

This lecture is open to everyone, not just Compsoc members. All are welcome!


The date has passed, and the lecture happened. Hopefully everyone found it enjoyable and informative. Some people may have just discovered a new future in cybernetics... as guinea pigs, at least. Watch this space for future Guest Lectures and events!

Note: if you have tried to connect to the IRC server but could not, try using port 6668 instead of 6667.

Edited by Andrew Sully on 2004-04-20 21:44:00.