Newsletter for 16 January 2004

Fri 16 Jan Newsletter

Newsletter for Week 2, Spring Term

Web page:
Mail the exec:
IRC: irc://


  1. LAN
  2. Lord Of The Rings Day
  3. LUG talks
  4. Gaming
  5. Pub socials
  6. Network Cable

Welcome to 2004. We hope you all had a good holiday, and are ready to work this term. We’ll be ensuring it won’t be all work as we’ve a number of fun things lined up.

0. LAN

Once again, we’re holding another LAN party early this term. The party will be from Friday evening (doors opening at 8pm) until Sunday evening at the end of Week 4. Signups will open at 11pm on the Saturday of Week 2, with guest signups the following week at 11pm.

1. Lord Of The Rings Day

Our first film social will be a LOTR day. We will turn up in the morning at 10am at an exec member’s house, and watch the first two movies on DVD, and then head to a cinema in the evening for the final installment. This will be the Sunday after Week 3. If you wish to come along, get in touch with an exec member who can tell where to turn up to, and help arrange lifts from campus.

2. LUG talks

The CompSoc Linux User’s Group has organised two guest lecturers - Jason Clifford on Wednesday of Week 3, and Dave Jones on Wednesday of Week 4. Jason Clifford runs an ISP that uses exclusively Linux machines in their network, and Dave Jones is a long-time kernel hacker and linux developer, currently working for RedHat. Both promise to be interesting talks, so watch out for an email closer to the event with a time and place.

3. Gaming

As usual, we’re holding the twice weekly gaming sessions. Join us at “the-bar” (or the Airport) from 9pm or ITS0.11 from 10pm on Fridays and Saturdays.

4. Pub socials

Every Monday, we meet in the City Arms in Earlsdon from 7:30pm for a drink, bite to eat and be social. Everyone is welcome; email the exec if you want a lift from campus or just directions.

5. Network Cable

CompSoc sell lengths of high-quality network cable - all at a very cheap price:

Prices are: 50p base +50p/m up until 10m +40p/m for cable > 10m

For example, 20m would cost &£0.50 + &£5.00 + &£4.00 = &£9.50

Mail requests to

That’s all for now, see you at the LAN or before

Phil Stoneman