Newsletter for 23 October 2003

Thu 23 Oct Newsletter

Newsletter for Week 4, Autumn Term

  1. LAN Party
  2. Pub Social
  3. Careers Fair
  4. LUG talks

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0. LAN

This weekend, it is the first CompSoc LAN party of the year. From Friday evening until Sunday evening, we will be in Lib2, having all sorts of fun playing lots of games and staying up till the wee hours. If you’re planning to come along, and you wish to turn up before 9pm, be aware that we will ask everyone to help move tables and chairs before any computers
are set up.

1. Pub Social

As always, we will be meeting in the City Arms Wetherspoons in Earlsdon on Monday evening, around 7:30pm. This is the perfect chance to chill out a bit and relax after the madness that is the CompSoc LAN.

2. Careers Fair

The Careers Service are holding a Science, Engineering and IT fair next Wednesday (Week 5), from 11am to 4pm. This event will be taking place in the Panorama Suite in Rootes Social Building. There will be a large number of IT employers present, from QinetiQ and GCHQ to Cadbury’s and Network Rail. Whether you’re a finalist or not, it is worth going along, if only to get some ideas and see what’s available.

3. LUG Talks

The Computing Society Linux User Group is holding a talk on “Survival in the Linux Command Line” in Week 6. The tutorial will be taking place on Wednesday of Week 6, in Meeting Room 6, in Union North. Topics to be covered include managing your files, how to edit files, and how to use the command line to easily accomplish tasks that would normally be complex in a graphical environment.

That’s all for now - see you at the LAN!

Phil Stoneman
Computing Society