Newsletter for 23 April 2003

Wed 23 Apr Newsletter

Newsletter for 2003-04-23

Newsletter for Week 1, Summer Term

  1. Dr. Solomon lecture
  2. LAN
  3. Perl tutorials
  4. Gaming
  5. Bookshop
  6. CAT5

Web page:
Mail the exec:
IRC chat: irc://

(does this need to be a seperate news item, exec? [the IRC channel])

Hi folks,

Hello and welcome from the new exec! We officially came into power this morning, although we’ve already been hard at work planning an active year for CompSoc. Don’t forget, all work and no play is not a good thing, so you
should come to as many CompSoc events as possible! Read on to find out what is planned for this term.

1. Dr. Solomon Lecture

That’s right; CompSoc is proud to present Dr. Alan Solomon talking about how viruses work, and how he came up with the ideas for his well-known anti-virus software. Come along next Wedneday (Week 2) at 3pm in the Physics Lecture Theatre on the Science Concourse; entry is free to all!

2. LAN

At the end of Week 2, your first exams will have finished, and your coursework will all be handed in, right? Right! So, for a chance to chill out and relax, and just have a bit of fun, we’re holding a LAN, from Friday evening until Saturday evening at the end of Week 2.

The LANs are THE social event of the CompSoc calendar; it’s a great opportunity to have some fun, meet a bunch of cool people, and just enjoy yourself!

Also, the Linux User Group will be having an installfest at the LAN to assist anyone who would like help in getting a Linux system installed and running.

So, if you want to relax after your exams, or just want to come along to see what all the fuss is about, don’t hesitate to sign up on our website! The sign-ups for the LAN will go live this Friday (Week 1) at midday; set an alarm in your phone now!

3. Perl tutorials

Our webmaster, David Buckley, is holding a series of tutorials on programming perl in Weeks 3, 4 and 5 of this term. This is the ideal opportunity to expand on what was learnt in CS120, or just learn how to do a bit of web programming or system administration hacking.

Exact times and rooms are yet to be confirmed, so watch this space for announcements closer to the time.

4. Gaming

We are still holding our regular gaming sessions on Friday and Saturday nights in the ITS computer rooms underneath L3. Come along this week, and have a practice at your favorite game, just in time for the LAN! We meet in
‘the bar’ sometime soon after 9pm, before heading over to the computer rooms at 10.

5. Bookshop

That’s right; we have our very own bookshop, run in association with How it works is like this: We refer you to Amazon, from whom you buy the book, and Amazon give us commission, all at no cost to you! This will help us to buy cool stuff for you, and will also help keep our events free.

You can find everything there from Books to CDs to a Buffy the Vampire Slayer box set! Majoring on books, the shop “stocks” many titles from Sci-Fantasy to Contemporary to CS Course books.

The shop can be found at the following address:

6. CAT5

We are still selling lengths of network cable - all at a very cheap price.

Prices are:

e.g. 20m would cost you 0.50 + 5.00 + 4.00 = 9.50, which is a bargain by anyone’s books!

Mail with your requests, and we’ll sort you out ASAP.

That’s all for this letter. I hope your exams and coursework all go well, and I hope to see you at one or more of this term’s events!

Phil Stoneman

University of Warwick Computing Society