Minnits - 25 January 2003

Sat 25 Jan 2003 Meeting Minutes

Compsoc Exec Minnits

25 January 2003



Insomnia should be installed on Monday 27th. The game servers should then be up by the next weekend, followed by miscellaneous otehr funky stuff.


James to implement a drop-down menu on the Mootov homepage so that it is easier to sign up for events.


The promised 16GB quota is one step closer now, as the Helpdesk are now actually supposed to be doing it. The planned ladder will likely include UT, Quake(3), Starcraft and ignition, and should be started as soon as possible, preferably next week.


Tom to book a Laserquest event for Wednesday of week 5. Meet in Rootes beforehand and take the bus, to be followed by Compsoc trip to pub. Signups for both karting and bowling to be put on the website. Likely to be the Wednesday of week 7/8, although the chances are that only the more popular one will take place.


The last LAN was generally good, with no real problems, but next time we should have a sign on the door to LIB1 to indicate that it is being used (for sleeping) and one for LIB2 to advertise what’s going on inside. Adam to do this.


Compsoc must ensure that it owns a copy of each game played at gaming sessions, i.e. Q3A, UT, Half-life, Bomberman, SC + BW, D2 + LOD, ignition, and perhaps Quake and Doom. These could perhaps be budgeted for next year.
The speakers which we planned to buy have been costed at either £46 or £68, exc. VAT. Chris to buy the cheaper ones next week. The planned LAN server should have a budget of around £500. Chris to look into the cheaper options, and Phil to look into more expensive, RAID-type options. The server will likely fulfil the role of music and file server, but good perhaps serve as game server if the spec is good enough. Regardless, the actual purchasing of the sever to be left to the next exec (since they will be the ones using it).

Next exec

Dave to speak to/mail these people to confirm their interest, but provisional society recommendations are:

Further advertising of the availablity of positions to be placed in the newsletter.


Chris to run Quake3 1337 skills tutorial(s), time and date yet to be established. David has agreed to run perl tutorials at the start of term 3. Also Adam will run a couple of graphics tutorials towards the end of this term. Dave to e-mail the guy who wanted to give TeX tutorials to find out if he is still interested. In the longer term, LateX tutorials would be good around the end of term 1. James to buy a year planner/wall chart thingy so that we can plan more easily.


They plan to hold an ‘installfest’ at the next LAN, so we should give them a bench for this, and try to sit the main group of LUG people together. The installfest to be advertised in the newsletter.

|That’s all folks!