Minnits - 11 January 2003

Sat 11 Jan Meeting Minutes

Compsoc Exec Minnits

11 January 2003



The official start will be 8pm on Friday: on-exec members not to turn up earlier unless this is unavoidable. The exec should arrive at 7pm to set-up the tables, etc. There will be no sleeping rota as there should be no need for one. Power will be nabbed from LIB1 as last time so we should be able to get up to 32 people in LIB2. Any signups which are not filled by Wednesday can be taken by guests. Matt Smith volunteered to try and organise a Warcraft III tourney. Dave to put a note in the newsletter reminding people to bring network cables and extension leads. Chris to bring speakers.


Dave to write at gaming tonight. Gaming sessions, LAN, CAT5 cable and the LUG meetings all to be mentioned. Also the availability of exec positions from the next LAN, and the changeover of the irc server.


The current irc server is not particularly good, and will therefore be changed over to a new, better one next Sunday (19th). The new server will be on port 6668. The various passwords that need changing still need to be changed, Phil to do this. ITS should be getting back to us about Molotov2 in the near future (hopefully). The purchasing of the speakers to be put on hold until then. The possibility of spending the reamining Compsoc cash on wireless networking devices was briefly discused but eventually dimissed as being too costly and unreliable.

Exec Meetings

All exec members should e-mail their timetables/when they are free to James so that he can find out convenient times for everyone to get together for future exec meetings.


A reminder that the last exec member to leave must make sure that all machines are logged off.
