Minnits - 8 November 2002

Fri 08 Nov Meeting Minutes

Compsoc Exec Minnits

8 November 2002


Membership cards

The laminates have arrived in the student shop - Henry to pick these up. Chris to take the receipt to Student Union and get the money back. The cards will be difficult to distribute - put a note in the next newsletter saying cards can be collected at future Compsoc events (LANs, gaming etc.) but people will need the printout from the union compsoc website.

Finance cards

Tom and Dave got the other one last week. David B is not on it but that’s not crucial. Tom to keep hold of it for the moment.


The LUG people have agreed to join Compsoc and the socs. fed. James to compile a list of the people that need to do so and David B to mail them. Compsoc owes James 8 pounds for cds given to the LUG. These to be distributed as demo cds in the CS120 lecture in week 8. There are plans for a leaflet, which would be printed either in Lazerlizard or in DCS (using Jake’s or Jingly’s printer credits). Phil to create a mailing list for LUG announcements. Next term the LUG are doing an installfest - installing Linux for people who don’t have it but want it.


We are still waiting for a response on the quota for the suahu account. Phil to re-email them on the subject. We are expecting an e-mail from them on Monday saying when Insomnia can be installed, if not, Phil to e-mail them.


We are now hosting theSheep as previously agreed. The software has been installed on their account, and they have bought extra space. Smokeh has apologised for his transgressions and promised to sort them out. Phil to set up a proxy server for Compsoc users on piazza, authenticated by Molotov username and password.


Notification of the cancellation of karting due to lack of interest. This event to be changed to bowling sometime in week 9. Chris and/or Tom to investigate the necessity of booking the Leamington bowling place. Mention the LUG’s installfest and demo cd giveaway. Dave to finish and mail out after the meeting.


James to put a news item advertising this on the website, and people should indicate if they are bringing laptops on their signup.


Ideally, we should try to have tutorials which relate to the course as directly as possible. Dave to mail the exec list asking for volunteers to give tutorials.


Future exec meetings will be moved back to start at 7:30pm (don’t be late!). Chrispy to mail out the minnits of the last meeting.

And we’re done for another week.