Newsletter for 17 October 2002

Thu 17 Oct Newsletter

2002-10-17 - Newsletters - About - CompSoc

Newsletter for 17 October 2002

CompSoc Newsletter

  1. LAN
  2. Open Source
  3. Socials


For those of you who have somehow missed it, we’re holding a LAN this weekend, and there is a space left for you! We’ve got LIB1 and LIB2 booked from 10am Sat. to 10pm Sun, and all you have to do to come along is sign up on our website and bring your PC: check our website for more details. Even if you can’t come for the whole event, you can still join in for a part; if not then come along for a while anyway, see what we do and maybe come along next time…

Details :
What to do:
What to bring:

Open Source

Just a quick reminder that our Open Source Project continues apace; meetings are held every week and we can always find a way for you to get involved if you’re interested. Again, check our website for more detals.

Details :


We also want to give you plenty of notice of our karting social: this will be held on Wednesday of week 7 and everyone’s welcome! You can sign up on our website now and come see if you can drive crazier than our President!

Details :

We also want to let you know that we regularly meet in Earlsdon at The City Arms on Monday nights for a pub social; it’s right on the bus route and lots of drinks are on special offer so why not join us next Monday?

Also just a quick note that due to the LAN there will be no gaming in ITS on Saturday night, but it will go ahead on Friday as usual.

-- Cheers!

David de la Motte

Secretary, Computing Society

The University of Warwick Computing Society