Newsletter for 10 October 2002

Thu 10 Oct Newsletter

2002-10-10 - Newsletters - About - CompSoc

Newsletter for 10 October 2002

CompSoc Newsletter

Hi everyone, and welcome to the University of Warwick Computing Society. Whether you’re a fresh-faced first year or a hardened veteran of the university, sit back and relax for a minute while I tell you about what Compsoc is doing this term.

So, what have we got?

  1. First social
  2. Gaming
  3. Week 3 LAN
  4. Tutorials
  5. Cat 5 cable
  6. Open Source Project
  7. LUG
  8. Other socials
  9. And finally…

1. First social

This will be held on Friday at 7pm and will be in “The Bar” (Airport bar for people in years 2+). You’ll have a chance to meet the rest of the exec, ask us any questions you might have and talk to your fellow Compsoc members. Once everyone has imbibed a suitable amount of alcohol we will be moving on to ITS, which brings me to my next topic…

2. Gaming

Yes, we are the only people allowed to play computer games on the university machines, and we do so with reckless abandon every Friday and Saturday night, usually beginning around 10pm and finishing, well, whenever you feel like it really.

3. Week 3 LAN

That’s right: Compsoc is proud to present the first in a line of LANs for this year, to be held on the weekend at the end of week 3. It’ll start at 10am on Saturday 19 October and finish at 10pm on Sunday 20 October. We currently only have space for 20 people to attend, but we are waiting for confirmation from the Union that we have a room booked for another 20 spaces. You will be able to sign up for this fantastic event from Saturday 12 October at 12pm, by visiting our website and following the link for social events. Interest is likely to be high on this one so book early to avoid disappointment!

4. Tutorials

On the academic side of things, we will be running some tutorials on such things as HTML and PHP, so look out for more information soon.

5. Cat 5 cable

Compsoc are now selling network cable, in both patch (normal) and crossover varieties.
If you want to connect your computer to the campus network you will need a patch cable, and our prices are extremely competitive:

So a 15m cable would be:

0.50 + 10 * 0.50 + 5* 0.40
= 7.50

which is cheaper than any other source we know of.

Requests should be e-mailed to the address below, and we’ll be only too happy to help.

6. Open Source Project

We are currently nearing the end of the Open Source Games Development Project which we’ve been working on, but if you want to get involved to help us finish it, look out on our website for details of the first meeting. Here we’ll tell you how you can contribute and you can meet the rest of the team. We’re also looking for new ideas for the next Open Source Project, so if you have any ideas about what we could do next just let us know by e-mailing us or turning up to the first meeting.

7. LUG

For those of you who weren’t told when you signed up, our society incorporates a Linux User Group (LUG), so if you have an interest in Linux and want to know more, or think that you could help others, let us know and they’ll get in touch with you.

8. Other socials

We are currently in the process of organising a Compsoc karting event for the latter half of the term, so look out for more details soon. We also regularly meet on Fridays and Saturdays at around 9pm in The Bar for a quick drink before we go to ITS for gaming, so feel free to join us there.

9. And finally…

Just a final note to say that Compsoc is run for the benefit of our members, and as such, if you think that there is something that we can do which we’re not, just e-mail us at the address below and we’ll investigate the possibilities.

Look forward to seeing you all on Friday!

-- David de la Motte

Secretary, University of Warwick Computing Society